# ExPression
Eval user input expressions in your Elixir project.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `ex_pression` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:ex_pression, "~> 0.4.0"}
Safe evaluation without acces to other Elixir modules.
{:error, %ExPression.Error{name: "UndefinedFunctionError", message: "Function 'self/0' was referenced, but was not defined", data: %{function: :self}}}
Support for JSON syntax and data types.
iex> ExPression.eval("""
"name": "ex_pression",
"deps": ["xpeg"]
{:ok, %{"name" => "ex_pression", "deps" => ["xpeg"]}}
Familiar python-like operators and standard functions.
iex> ExPression.eval(~s/{"1": "en", "2": "fr"}[str(int_code)]/, bindings: %{"int_code" => 1})
{:ok, "en"}
Extend expressions by providing Elixir module with functions that you want to use.
defmodule MyFunctions do
# use $ special symbol in expressions
def handle_special("$", date_str), do: Date.from_iso8601!(date_str)
# Use diff function in expresions
def diff(date_1, date_2), do: Date.diff(date_1, date_2)
iex> ExPression.eval(~s/diff($"2023-02-02", $"2022-02-02")/, functions_module: MyFunctions)
{:ok, 365}
## Features list
- [x] JSON data types
- [x] Integer
- [x] Float
- [x] String
- [x] Array
- [x] Object
- [x] Standrad library of functions
- [x] Variables bindings
- [x] Extending by providing modules with functions
- [x] Boolean Operators
- [x] `and`, `or`, `not`
- [x] `==`, `!=`, `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`
- [x] Math Operators
- [x] `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`
- [ ] `**` (power operator)
- [x] Access Operators
- [x] Field access (`obj.field_name`)
- [x] Access array element by index (`[1, 2, 3][0]`)
- [x] Access object field in runtime (`{"fr": "France", "en": "England"}[country]`)
- [x] Error handling
- [x] Syntax errors
- [x] Runtime errors
- [ ] AST Validations
- [ ] Calling non existing functions
- [ ] Invalid data types
## Implementation
String representation of expression is parsed into AST form. Parsing is done with PEG grammar parser [xpeg](https://github.com/zevv/xpeg). Grammar is defined in module `ExPression.Parsing.Grammar`.
AST interpretation logic is written in plain `Elixir` in module `ExPression.Interpreting`.
## Contribution
Feel free to make a pull request. All contributions are appreciated!