# ExRerun
Recompiles mix project on any change to the project src files.
The initial version of this project is inspired by the - currently
unmaintained - `remix` project by AgilionApps:
## Installation
Install `ex_rerun` by adding it as a dependency to `mix.exs`.
def deps do
[{:ex_rerun, "~> 0.1", only: :dev}]
## Configuration
It is possible to configure `ex_rerun` using the following parameters:
> Note: the example below shows the default values.
config :ex_rerun,
scan_interval: 4000,
silent: false,
elm: false,
test: false,
escript: false,
paths: ["lib", "priv"],
file_types: [".ex", ".exs", ".eex", ".json"]
- `scan_interval` specifies the number of ms to wait between rerun checks,
- `silent` toggles whether to print every time `ex_rerun` recompiles,
- `elm` toggles whether to run the elm compilation task on recompile, requires
[elm_compile](https://hex.pm/packages/elm_compile) to be installed as a
project dependency,
- `test` toggles whether to also run mix test after each recompilation,
- `escript` toggles whether to run the escript compilation task on recompile,
- `paths` lists which folders to monitor, and
- `file_types` lists which files that will trigger a rerun when changed.