# ExRiak
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ExRiak is simple wrapper around [riak-erlang-client][riak_erlang_client_github],
designed to let you follow Elixir coding conventions, while providing the
flexibility drop down to the underlying erlang client when needed. Here's an

# Can use the :riakc_pb_socket directly from erlang
{:ok, conn} = :riakc_pb_socket.start_link("", 8087)

with {:ok, obj} <- ExRiak.PBSocket.get(conn, "tv_show_ratings", "simpsons"),
     # Can drop down to erlang if nessecary
     obj <- :riakc_obj.update_value(obj, 10) do

  # Save to riak. Will raise a ExRiak.SiblingsError if there are unresolved
  # siblings instead of throwing :siblings. Can also use ExRiak.PBSocket.put/2
  # to pattern match the result.
  ExRiak.PBSocket.put!(conn, obj)

See the [online documentation][docs] for more information.

## Usage

Add ExRiak to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:ex_riak, "~> 0.3.1"}]

Then run `mix deps.get` in your shell to fetch the dependencies.

### Interop with riak-erlang-client

This library closely mirrors the riak-erlang-client's API. Below are the
mappings between `ExRiak` modules and the `riak-erlang-client` modules.

| Elixir            | Erlang             |
| ----------------- | -----------------  |
| `ExRiak.PBSocket` | `:riakc_pb_socket` |
| `ExRiak.Object`   | `:riakc_obj`       |

More information on these modules is available in the
[online documentation][docs].

## Development

### Running tests

Before running tests, you need to create a few bucket types:

riak-admin bucket-type create ex_riak
riak-admin bucket-type create ex_riak_maps '{"props":{"datatype":"map"}}'
riak-admin bucket-type activate ex_riak
riak-admin bucket-type activate ex_riak_maps

After that, make sure you've got Elixir 1.5+ installed and then:

$ mix deps.get
$ mix test
