# ExRunner

Elixir library that provides a macro which converts the modules into operations for encapsulating business logics. It uses **[Ecto Schema](** (`embedded_schema`) for defining input / output and **[Ecto Changeset](** for the validations. :)

## Installation

It can be installed by adding `ex_runner` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ex_runner, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage

Let's take an example to understand how this library works. 

**Example - Write an operation which creates the user session by taking email and password.**

**Step 1** - Define a module and add `use ExRunner`.

defmodule CreateSession do
  use ExRunner

**Step 2** - Define input and output for the operation. Input is what will be given as parameters to this operation and Output is what will get returned from the operation as a result.

defmodule CreateSession do
  use ExRunner

  input do
    field :email, :string
    field :password, :string

  output do
    field :session_id, Ecto.UUID

This is just [Ecto Schema]( For complex schema definition, [embeds_one]( and [embeds_many]( can be used.

**Step 3** - Define validate function which adds the required validations on the inputs passed to the operation.

defmodule CreateSession do
  use ExRunner

  input do
    field :email, :string
    field :password, :string

  output do
    field :session_id, Ecto.UUID

  defp validate(changeset) do
    |> validate_required([:email, :password])
    |> validate_format(:email, ~r/^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/)
    |> validate_length(:password, min: 4)

Validate function takes changeset as argument, `changes` of which contains the input passed and schema is of type input defined in step 2.

For complex validations, read [Ecto Changeset](

**Step 4**- Define execute function which performs business logic with the inputs provided. 

defmodule CreateSession do
  use ExRunner

  input do
    field :email, :string
    field :password, :string

  output do
    field :session_id, Ecto.UUID

  defp validate(changeset) do
    |> validate_required([:email, :password])
    |> validate_format(:email, ~r/^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/)
    |> validate_length(:password, min: 4)

  defp execute(changeset) do
    params = changeset.changes

    case ( == "" and params.password == "test") do
      true -> %{session_id: "870df8e8-3107-4487-8316-81e089b8c2cf"}
      false -> add_error(changeset, :credentials, "are invalid")

Execute function takes changeset as argument. Inputs / parameters can be found in `changeset.changes`.
To add an error, just call add_error of Ecto.Changeset. 

In case of :ok, return the needed response of type output defined in step 4. 

In case of :error, return Ecto.Changeset.

**Step 5** - Try running the operation.

# run with valid credentials
> "", password: "test")
{:ok, %{session_id: "870df8e8-3107-4487-8316-81e089b8c2cf"}}

# run! with valid credentials
>!(email: "", password: "test")
%{session_id: "870df8e8-3107-4487-8316-81e089b8c2cf"}

# run with invalid email format
> "test", password: "test")
  action: nil,
  changes: %{email: "test", password: "testi"},
  errors: [email: {"has invalid format", [validation: :format]}],
  data: #CreateSession.Input<>,
  valid?: false

# run! with invalid email format
> "test", password: "test")
# raises Ecto.InvalidChangesetError 

# run with invalid credentials
> "", password: "test1")
  action: nil,
  changes: %{email: "", password: "testi"},
  errors: [credentials: {"are invalid", []}],
  data: #CreateSession.Input<>,
  valid?: false

# run! with invalid credentials
>!(email: "", password: "test1")
# raises Ecto.InvalidChangesetError 

I recommend reading [How does the library work internally ?](#how-does-the-library-work-internally) to understand in detail.

## How does the library work internally ?

`run ` can be called either with a keyword list or a map.

1 - It first filters the input and permits only the ones defined in input schema. This is also true for embeds_one and embeds_many.

2 - It checks the input against the field types defined in input. If invalid, it returns {:error, changeset}

3 - It calls validate which has been defined in the module. If invalid, it returns {:error, changeset}

4 - It calls execute which has been defined in the module. If execute returns changeset, it returns {:error, changeset}. If execute returns other than changeset, it stores it as output.

5 - It filters the output and permits only the ones defined in output schema. This is also true for embeds_one and embeds_many.

6 - It checks the output against the field types defined in output. If invalid, it raises Ecto.InvalidChangesetError.

7 - It returns the output as map finally. {:ok, output}

In case of `run!`, if the returned tuple is of {:error}, it raises errors. if the returned tuple is of {:ok}, it returns output.