# ExSharp

Call C# code from Elixir!

Note: requires C# Interactive (csi.exe) to be installed and included in your path

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add ex_sharp to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

        def deps do
          [{:ex_sharp, "~> 0.0.1"}]

  2. Ensure ex_sharp is started before your application:

        def application do
          [applications: [:ex_sharp]]
## Usage
Using the following C# code in `Foo.csx`:
    using System;
    using ExSharp;
    public static class Foo 
      [ExSharpFunction("pi", 0)]
      public static ElixirTerm Pi(ElixirTerm[] argv, int argc) 
        return ElixirTerm.MakeDouble(3.14159);
      [ExSharpFunction("echo", 1)]
      public static ElixirTerm Baz(ElixirTerm[] argv, int argc) 
        var str = ElixirTerm.GetUTF8String(argv[0]);
        return ElixirTerm.MakeUTF8String($"from csharp: {str}");
    var runner = new ExSharp.Runner();
Create an `ExSharp.Roslyn` process with it's first argument being the path to said `.csx` script.
It is recommended that this process be supervised.

      Path.expand("../priv/Foo.csx", __DIR__)
      |> ExSharp.Roslyn.start_link
The following functions will become available at runtime:
  1. Foo.pi/0
  2. Foo.echo/1

## Supported Types

So far the following Elixir types are able to be retrieved/returned from C# code:

  * Integer
  * Float
  * Atom
  * Byte String
  * PID
  * Reference
  * Empty List
  * Tuple
  * Byte List ("String")
  * List
## C# API

### Declare Module and Functions

    public static class ModuleName
      [ExSharFunction(function_name, arity)]
      public static ElixirTerm Foo(ElixirTerm[] argv, int argc) 
      [ExSharFunction(function_name, arity)]
      public static void Foo(ElixirTerm[] argv, int argc) 
        (functions that return void will return `:ok`)

### Type Conversions

  * Byte:
      byte? b = ElixirTerm.GetByte(argv[0]);
      ElixirTerm t = ElixirTerm.MakeByte(b);
  * Int:
      int? i = ElixirTerm.GetInt(argv[0]);
      ElixirTerm t = ElixirTerm.MakeInt(i);
  * Double:  
      double? d = ElixirTerm.GetDouble(argv[0]);
      ElixirTerm t = ElixirTerm.MakeDouble(d);
  * Atom:
      string a = ElixirTerm.GetAtom(argv[0]);
      ElixirTerm t = ElixirTerm.MakeAtom(a);
  * Byte String: 
      string s = ElixirTerm.GetUTF8String(argv[0]);
      ElixirTerm t = ElixirTerm.MakeUTF8String(s);
  * PID:
      PID p = ElixirTerm.GetPID(argv[0]);
      ElixirTerm t = ElixirTerm.MakePID(p);
  * Reference:
      Reference r = ElixirTerm.GetReference(argv[0]);
      ElixirTerm t = ElixirTerm.MakeReference(r);
  * Empty List:  
      EmptyList e = ElixirTerm.GetEmptyList(argv[0]);
      ElixirTerm t = ElixirTerm.MakeEmptyList();
  * Tuple:
      Tuple t = ElixirTerm.GetTuple(argv[0]);
      ElixirTerm t = ElixirTerm.MakeTuple(new ElixirTerm[]{
  * Byte List:
      byte[] b ElixirTerm.GetByteString(argv[0]);
      ElixirTerm t = ElixirTerm.MakeByteList(b);
  * List:
      ElixirTerm[] l = ElixirTerm.GetTuple(argv[0]);
      ElixirTerm t = ElixirTerm.MakeList(new ElixirTerm[]{

### Custom C# Types

  Read only properties:
  * PID
    * Node (string)
    * ID (int)
    * Serial (int)
    * Creation (byte)
  * Reference
    * Node (string)
    * Creation (byte)
    * ID (int[])
  * Tuple
    * Arity (int)
  #### Tuple Usage
      Tuple t = ElixirTerm.GetTuple(argv[0]);
      string a = ElixirTerm.GetAtom(t[0]);
      string s = ElixirTerm.GetUTF8String(t[1]);