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# Splitwise API wrapper

A wrapper for the [Splitwise API](

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `ex_splitwise` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ex_splitwise, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Getting started

1. [Register your application]( to get a key and secret in order to authenticate to the API.
2. Use the key and secret to get a token:

  Let the user navigate to the `authorize_url` to enter their credentials:
    authorize_url = ExSplitwise.OAuth2.Client.authorize_url!()

  Get a token with the `code` returned by Splitwise:
    def callback(conn, params) do

      render(conn, "index.html")
3. Make a request (current_user)
  def user(conn, _params) do
    %{body: body} = ExSplitwise.Users.current()

    json(conn, user)

## Usage
All the functions return a `%ExSplitwise.Reponse{}` struct with the following fields:
* body: decoded JSON
* headers: list of headers returned by the server
* status: HTTP status code

## Functions
* [Users](#Users)
* [Groups](#Groups)
* [Friends](#Friends)
* [Expenses](#Expenses)
* [Notifications](#Notifications)
* [Comments](#Comments)
* [Currencies](#Currencies)

### Users
* current
  %{body: body} = ExSplitwise.Users.current()
* get
  %{body: body} = ExSplitwise.Users.get(id)
* update
  %{body: body} = ExSplitwise.Users.update(id, data)

### Groups
* all
  %{body: body} = ExSplitwise.Groups.all()
* get
  %{body: body} = ExSplitwise.Groups.get(id)

### Friends
* all
  %{body: body} = ExSplitwise.Friends.all()

### Expenses
* all
  %{body: body} = ExSplitwise.Expenses.all()
* get
  %{body: body} = ExSplitwise.Expenses.get(id)
* create
  %{body: body} = ExSplitwise.Expenses.create(data)
* update
  %{body: body} = ExSplitwise.Expenses.update(id)
* delete
  %{body: body} = Splitwise.Expenses.delete(id)

### Notifications
* all
  %{body: body} = ExSplitwise.Notifications.all()

### Comments

### Currencies

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