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    <img src="logo/ex_sql_client.svg" alt="netler logo" height="150px">

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# ExSqlClient

Microsoft SQL Server driver for Elixir based on [Netler]( and .NET's `System.Data.SqlClient`.

## Goals

- Provide a user friendly interface for interacting with MSSQL
- Provide comprehensible type mappings between MSSQL and Elixir
- Real-life implementation of a `Netler` use case to help discover issues and use as proof-of-concept

## Checklist

- ☑ Support encrypted connections 
- ☑ Support multiple result sets
- ☑ Implement the `DbConnection` behaviour
  - ☑ Connect
  - ☑ Disconnect
  - ☑ Execute
  - ☑ Transactions
  - ☑ Prepared Statements
- ☑ Release first version on
- ☐ Provide an `Ecto.Adapter` that is compatible with Ecto 3

## Code Examples

### Connecting to a Server and Executing a Query

{:ok, conn} =
          "Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;"

{:ok, response} =
      ExSqlClient.query(conn, "SELECT * FROM [records] WHERE [status]=@status", %{status: 1})