# ExSshd
Simple Elixir SSH worker that provides an Elixir shell over SSH into your application. This is an Elixir port of [erl_sshd][https://github.com/ivanos/erl_sshd] but runs an elixir shell instead of an erlang shell.
*Please note:* exit only works client side (`~.`) or making the process crash (`h`) (it won't crash the application and the SSH daemon will restart itself)
## Installation
Add it to your `mix.exs` file like either one of this:
defp deps do
[{:ex_sshd, github: "tverlaan/ex_sshd"},
{:ex_sshd, "~> 0.0.1"}]
Then ensure ex_sshd is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:ex_sshd]]
## Configuration
You can use SSH keys and/or usernames and passwords for authentication. I would recommend using keys.
### Using keys
Either use the `make_keys` bash script or use `make_host_key` and put your own key in `priv/ex_sshd/authorized_keys`
### Using username/password combo
First run the `make_host_key` script and then add username and password combinations to the configuration as in the example below.
### Example
config :ex_sshd,
app: :your_application_name,
port: 10022,
credentials: [{"username", "password"}]
- To support `h` (IEx helper function) we need ansi support in the SSH channel, right now you could use the following configuration to make it work:
config :elixir,
ansi_enabled: false
- Proper way to exit from the server side. Right now only `~.` from the client is supported to exit.