# ExTaxjar
A client library for use with v2 of the [TaxJar API](https://developers.taxjar.com/api/reference/).
## Installation
Add ex_taxjar to your `mix.exs` dependencies:
def deps do
{:ex_taxjar, "~> 0.5.0"}
Fetch your dependencies:
mix deps.get
Configure your environment:
config :ex_taxjar,
api_key: "TAXJAR_API_KEY",
end_point: "https://api.taxjar.com/v2"
## Usage
### List all tax categories
iex> ExTaxjar.Categories.list()
"description" => "Digital products transferred electronically, meaning obtained by the purchaser by means other than tangible storage media.",
"name" => "Digital Goods",
"product_tax_code" => "31000"
"description" => " All human wearing apparel suitable for general use",
"name" => "Clothing",
"product_tax_code" => "20010"
"description" => "Drugs for human use without a prescription",
"name" => "Non-Prescription",
"product_tax_code" => "51010"
"description" => "Drugs for human use with a prescription",
"name" => "Prescription",
"product_tax_code" => "51020"
"description" => "Food for humans consumption, unprepared",
"name" => "Food & Groceries",
"product_tax_code" => "40030"
}, ....
### List tax rates for location (by zip/postal code)
iex> ExTaxjar.Rates.rate("90210")
"city" => "WESTLAKE",
"city_rate" => "0.0",
"combined_district_rate" => "0.0225",
"combined_rate" => "0.095",
"county" => "LOS ANGELES",
"county_rate" => "0.01",
"freight_taxable" => false,
"state" => "CA",
"state_rate" => "0.0625",
"zip" => "90210"
iex> # International Example
iex> ExTaxjar.Rates.rate("10115", %{country: "DE"})
"country" => "DE",
"distance_sale_threshold" => nil,
"freight_taxable" => true,
"name" => "Germany",
"parking_rate" => nil,
"reduced_rate" => nil,
"standard_rate" => "0.19",
"super_reduced_rate" => nil
### Calculate Sales Tax for an order
iex> order = %ExTaxjar.Order{
amount: 100,
from_city: "Beverly Hills",
from_country: "US",
from_state: "CA",
from_street: "123 Water St",
from_zip: "90210",
line_items: [],
nexus_adresses: [],
shipping: 15,
to_city: "Los Angeles",
to_country: "US",
to_state: "CA",
to_street: "1335 E 103rd St",
to_zip: "90002"
iex> ExTaxjar.Taxes.tax(order)
"amount_to_collect" => 9.5,
"freight_taxable" => false,
"has_nexus" => true,
"order_total_amount" => 115.0,
"rate" => 0.095,
"shipping" => 15.0,
"tax_source" => "destination",
"taxable_amount" => 100.0
### List order transactions
iex(7)> ExTaxjar.TransactionOrder.list(
%{from_date: "2014/01/01", to_date: "2014/01/31"}
["123", "124"]
### Show order transaction
iex> ExTaxjar.TransactionOrder.show("123")
"amount" => "29.94",
"from_city" => nil,
"from_country" => "US",
"from_state" => "CA",
"from_street" => nil,
"from_zip" => "90210",
"line_items" => [
"description" => nil,
"discount" => "1.0",
"id" => 0,
"product_identifier" => nil,
"product_tax_code" => "31000",
"quantity" => 1,
"sales_tax" => "0.0",
"unit_price" => "19.99"
"description" => nil,
"discount" => "2.0",
"id" => 1,
"product_identifier" => nil,
"product_tax_code" => "30070",
"quantity" => 1,
"sales_tax" => "0.0",
"unit_price" => "9.95"
"sales_tax" => "0.0",
"shipping" => "0.0",
"to_city" => nil,
"to_country" => "US",
"to_state" => "CA",
"to_street" => nil,
"to_zip" => "90210",
"transaction_date" => "2016-08-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"transaction_id" => "123",
"transaction_reference_id" => nil,
"user_id" => 2
### Create order transaction
iex>transaction =
amount: 19.99,
from_city: nil,
from_country: nil,
from_state: nil,
from_street: nil,
from_zip: nil,
line_items: [],
sales_tax: 1.19,
shipping: 4.99,
to_city: nil,
to_country: "US",
to_state: "CA",
to_street: nil,
to_zip: "90210",
transaction_date: "1999/01/01",
transaction_id: "1999"
iex(10)> ExTaxjar.TransactionOrder.create(transaction)
"amount" => "19.99",
"from_city" => nil,
"from_country" => "US",
"from_state" => nil,
"from_street" => nil,
"from_zip" => "",
"line_items" => [],
"sales_tax" => "1.19",
"shipping" => "4.99",
"to_city" => nil,
"to_country" => "US",
"to_state" => "CA",
"to_street" => nil,
"to_zip" => "90210",
"transaction_date" => "1999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"transaction_id" => "1999",
"transaction_reference_id" => nil,
"user_id" => 17108
### Update an order transaction
iex> transaction = %ExTaxjar.Transaction.Update{
...> transaction_id: "123",
...> amount: 39.99
...> }
amount: 39.99,
from_city: nil,
from_country: nil,
from_state: nil,
from_street: nil,
from_zip: nil,
line_items: [],
sales_tax: nil,
shipping: nil,
to_city: nil,
to_country: nil,
to_state: nil,
to_street: nil,
to_zip: nil,
transaction_date: nil,
transaction_id: "123"
iex> ExTaxjar.TransactionOrder.update(transaction)
"amount" => "39.99",
"from_city" => nil,
"from_country" => "US",
"from_state" => nil,
"from_street" => nil,
"from_zip" => "",
"line_items" => [],
"sales_tax" => "0.0",
"shipping" => "0.0",
"to_city" => nil,
"to_country" => "US",
"to_state" => nil,
"to_street" => nil,
"to_zip" => "",
"transaction_date" => "2018-04-12T17:04:13.519Z",
"transaction_id" => "123",
"transaction_reference_id" => nil,
"user_id" => 17108
### Delete order transaction
iex(13)> ExTaxjar.TransactionOrder.delete("123")
"amount" => nil,
"from_city" => nil,
"from_country" => nil,
"from_state" => nil,
"from_street" => nil,
"from_zip" => nil,
"line_items" => [],
"sales_tax" => nil,
"shipping" => nil,
"to_city" => nil,
"to_country" => nil,
"to_state" => nil,
"to_street" => nil,
"to_zip" => nil,
"transaction_date" => nil,
"transaction_id" => "123",
"transaction_reference_id" => nil,
"user_id" => 17108
### List refund transactions
iex(14)> ExTaxjar.TransactionRefund.list(
...> %{on_date: "2017/01/01"})
["321", "322"]
### Show refund transaction
iex> ExTaxjar.TransactionRefund.show("321")
"amount" => "-29.94",
"from_city" => nil,
"from_country" => "US",
"from_state" => "CA",
"from_street" => nil,
"from_zip" => "90210",
"line_items" => [
"description" => nil,
"discount" => "1.0",
"id" => 0,
"product_identifier" => nil,
"product_tax_code" => "31000",
"quantity" => 1,
"sales_tax" => "0.0",
"unit_price" => "-19.99"
"description" => nil,
"discount" => "2.0",
"id" => 1,
"product_identifier" => nil,
"product_tax_code" => "30070",
"quantity" => 1,
"sales_tax" => "0.0",
"unit_price" => "-9.95"
"sales_tax" => "0.0",
"shipping" => "-1.0",
"to_city" => nil,
"to_country" => "US",
"to_state" => "CA",
"to_street" => nil,
"to_zip" => "90210",
"transaction_date" => "2016-09-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"transaction_id" => "321",
"transaction_reference_id" => "123A",
"user_id" => 2
### Create refund transaction
iex> refund = %ExTaxjar.Refund{
...> transaction_id: "1999",
...> transaction_reference_id: "1999",
...> transaction_date: "1999/01/01",
...> to_country: "US",
...> to_zip: "90210",
...> to_state: "CA",
...> amount: 19.99,
...> shipping: 4.99,
...> sales_tax: 1.19
...> }
amount: 19.99,
from_city: nil,
from_country: nil,
from_state: nil,
from_street: nil,
from_zip: nil,
line_items: [],
sales_tax: 1.19,
shipping: 4.99,
to_city: nil,
to_country: "US",
to_state: "CA",
to_street: nil,
to_zip: "90210",
transaction_date: "1999/01/01",
transaction_id: "1999",
transaction_reference_id: "1999"
### Update refund transaction
iex> refund = %ExTaxjar.Refund.Update{
...> transaction_id: "321",
...> transaction_reference_id: "1999",
...> amount: 39.99
...> }
iex> ExTaxjar.TransactionRefund.update(refund)
"amount" => "-39.99",
"from_city" => nil,
"from_country" => "US",
"from_state" => nil,
"from_street" => nil,
"from_zip" => "",
"line_items" => [],
"sales_tax" => "0.0",
"shipping" => "0.0",
"to_city" => nil,
"to_country" => "US",
"to_state" => nil,
"to_street" => nil,
"to_zip" => "",
"transaction_date" => "2018-04-12T17:22:20.843Z",
"transaction_id" => "321",
"transaction_reference_id" => "1999",
"user_id" => 17108
### Delete refund transaction
iex(6)> ExTaxjar.TransactionRefund.delete("321")
"amount" => nil,
"from_city" => nil,
"from_country" => nil,
"from_state" => nil,
"from_street" => nil,
"from_zip" => nil,
"line_items" => [],
"sales_tax" => nil,
"shipping" => nil,
"to_city" => nil,
"to_country" => nil,
"to_state" => nil,
"to_street" => nil,
"to_zip" => nil,
"transaction_date" => nil,
"transaction_id" => "321",
"transaction_reference_id" => nil,
"user_id" => 17108
### List nexus regions
iex> ExTaxjar.Nexus.list()
"country" => "United States",
"country_code" => "US",
"region" => "California",
"region_code" => "CA"
### Validate a VAT number
iex> ExTaxjar.Validations.validate("FR40303265045")
"exists" => true,
"valid" => true,
"vies_available" => true,
"vies_response" => %{
"address" => "11 RUE AMPERE\n26600 PONT DE L ISERE",
"country_code" => "FR",
"name" => "SA SODIMAS",
"request_date" => "2018-04-12",
"valid" => true,
"vat_number" => "40303265045"
### Summarize tax rates for all regions
iex> ExTaxjar.SummaryRates.list()
"average_rate" => %{"label" => "VAT", "rate" => 0.2},
"country" => "Austria",
"country_code" => "AT",
"minimum_rate" => %{"label" => "VAT", "rate" => 0.2},
"region" => nil,
"region_code" => nil
"average_rate" => %{"label" => "VAT", "rate" => 0.21},
"country" => "Belgium",
"country_code" => "BE",
"minimum_rate" => %{"label" => "VAT", "rate" => 0.21},
"region" => nil,
"region_code" => nil
"average_rate" => %{"label" => "VAT", "rate" => 0.2},
"country" => "Bulgaria",
"country_code" => "BG",
"minimum_rate" => %{"label" => "VAT", "rate" => 0.2},
"region" => nil,
"region_code" => nil
"average_rate" => %{"label" => "GST", "rate" => 0.05},
"country" => "Canada",
"country_code" => "CA",
"minimum_rate" => %{"label" => "GST", "rate" => 0.05},
"region" => "Alberta",
"region_code" => "AB"
"average_rate" => %{"label" => "GST/PST", "rate" => 0.12},
"country" => "Canada",
"country_code" => "CA",
"minimum_rate" => %{"label" => "GST", "rate" => 0.05},
"region" => "British Columbia",
"region_code" => "BC"