
defmodule ExTeal.Fields.Array do
  @moduledoc """
  The `Array` field may be used to represent an Ecto `array`.

  use ExTeal.Field
  alias ExTeal.Field

  def component, do: "array"

  @doc """
  Enable a draggable ui for the field, allowing a user to reorder the items in the array
  @spec draggable(Field.t()) :: Field.t()
  def draggable(%Field{options: options} = field) do
    opts = Map.merge(options, %{draggable: true})
    %{field | options: opts}

  @doc """
  Put the 'add item' at the bottom of the list instead of the tops
  @spec list_above(Field.t()) :: Field.t()
  def list_above(%Field{options: options} = field) do
    opts = Map.merge(options, %{list_first: false})
    %{field | options: opts}

  @doc """
  Hide the 'create button' in the user interface
  @spec hide_create_button(Field.t()) :: Field.t()
  def hide_create_button(%Field{options: options} = field) do
    opts = Map.merge(options, %{hide_create_button: true})
    %{field | options: opts}

  @doc """
  Set a maximum number of items in the list
  @spec max_items(Field.t(), integer()) :: Field.t()
  def max_items(%Field{options: options} = field, value) do
    opts = Map.merge(options, %{max: value})
    %{field | options: opts}

  @doc """
  Set a maximum height of the list in pixels
  @spec max_height(Field.t(), integer()) :: Field.t()
  def max_height(%Field{options: options} = field, value) do
    opts = Map.merge(options, %{max_height: value})
    %{field | options: opts}

  @doc """
  Set the placeholder for the 'add item' inputs
  @spec placeholder(Field.t(), String.t()) :: Field.t()
  def placeholder(%Field{options: options} = field, value) do
    opts = Map.merge(options, %{placeholder: value})
    %{field | options: opts}