defmodule ExTealDirectUpload.Uploader do
alias ExTealDirectUpload.Uploader
@moduledoc """
Pre-signed S3 upload helper for client-side multipart POSTs.
[Browser-Based Upload using HTTP POST (Using AWS Signature Version 4)](
[Task 3: Calculate the Signature for AWS Signature Version 4](
This module expects three application configuration settings for the
AWS access and secret keys and the S3 bucket name. You may also
supply an AWS region (the default if you do not is
`us-east-1`). Here is an example configuration that reads these from
environment variables. Add your own configuration to `config.exs`.
config :ex_teal_direct_upload,
aws_access_key: System.get_env("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"),
aws_secret_key: System.get_env("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"),
aws_s3_bucket: System.get_env("AWS_S3_BUCKET"),
aws_region: System.get_env("AWS_REGION")
@doc """
The `Uploader` struct represents the data necessary to
generate an S3 pre-signed upload object.
The required fields are:
- `file_name` the name of the file being uploaded
- `mimetype` the mimetype of the file being uploaded
- `path` the path where the file will be uploaded in the bucket
Fields that can be over-ridden are:
- `acl` defaults to `public-read`
defstruct file_name: nil, mimetype: nil, path: nil, acl: nil
def date_util do
Application.get_env(:ex_teal_direct_upload, :date_util, ExTealDirectUpload.DateUtil)
@doc """
Returns a map with `url` and `credentials` keys.
- `url` - the form action URL
- `credentials` - name/value pairs for hidden input fields
## Examples
iex> %ExTealDirectUpload.Uploader{file_name: "image.jpg", mimetype: "image/jpeg", path: "path/to/file"}
...> |> ExTealDirectUpload.Uploader.presigned
...> |> Map.get(:postEndpoint)
iex> %ExTealDirectUpload.Uploader{file_name: "image.jpg", mimetype: "image/jpeg", path: "path/to/file"}
...> |> ExTealDirectUpload.Uploader.presigned
...> |> Map.get(:signature) |> Map.get(:"X-amz-credential")
iex> %ExTealDirectUpload.Uploader{file_name: "image.jpg", mimetype: "image/jpeg", path: "path/to/file"}
...> |> ExTealDirectUpload.Uploader.presigned
...> |> Map.get(:signature) |> Map.get(:key)
def presigned(%Uploader{} = upload) do
postEndpoint: "https://#{bucket()}",
signature: %{
"Content-Type": upload.mimetype,
policy: policy(upload),
"X-amz-algorithm": "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256",
"X-amz-credential": credential(),
"X-amz-date": date_util().today_datetime(),
"X-amz-signature": signature(upload),
acl: upload.acl,
key: file_path(upload),
success_action_status: "201"
@doc """
Returns a json object with `url` and `credentials` properties.
- `url` - the form action sURL
- `credentials` - name/value pairs for hidden input fields
def presigned_json(%Uploader{} = upload) do
|> presigned()
|> Jason.encode!()
defp signature(upload) do
|> hmac(policy(upload))
|> Base.encode16(case: :lower)
defp signing_key do
|> hmac(date_util().today_date())
|> hmac(region())
|> hmac("s3")
|> hmac("aws4_request")
defp policy(upload) do
expiration: date_util().expiration_datetime,
conditions: conditions(upload)
|> Jason.encode!()
|> Base.encode64()
defp conditions(upload) do
%{"bucket" => bucket()},
%{"acl" => upload.acl},
%{"x-amz-algorithm": "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"},
%{"x-amz-credential": credential()},
%{"x-amz-date": date_util().today_datetime()},
["starts-with", "$Content-Type", upload.mimetype],
["starts-with", "$key", upload.path],
%{"success_action_status" => "201"}
defp credential do
defp file_path(upload) do
# remove when we require OTP 22
if System.otp_release() >= "22" do
defp hmac(key, data), do: :crypto.mac(:hmac, :sha256, key, data)
defp hmac(key, data), do: :crypto.hmac(:sha256, key, data)
defp access_key, do: Application.get_env(:ex_teal_direct_upload, :aws_access_key)
defp secret_key, do: Application.get_env(:ex_teal_direct_upload, :aws_secret_key)
defp bucket, do: Application.get_env(:ex_teal_direct_upload, :aws_s3_bucket)
defp region, do: Application.get_env(:ex_teal_direct_upload, :aws_region) || "us-east-1"