# ExTier

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ExTier is an elixir client for [](, documentation can be found at [](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `ex_tier` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ex_tier, "~> 0.11"}

### Versioning

ExTier follows Tier's major and minor versions, but reserves minor versions for ExTier's patch updates. So Tier's `v0.6` version will map to ExTier `0.6.x` version.

## Configuration

### URL

You need to specify where the Tier server is reachable at:

config :ex_tier, url: "http://localhost:8080"

### Tier Cloud

You can use tier cloud by using the following configuration:

config :ex_tier,
  url: "",
  stripe_api_key: "your-stripe-api-key"

### Test Clocks

To use test clocks, pass the clock_id in the configuration:

config :ex_tier, clock_id: "clock_1xTl3FbwSFVVY4blLTlXv2CY"

### Tesla

ExTier depends on [Tesla]( to perform HTTP requests. You are required to specify which Tesla adapter you want to use.

config :ex_tier, adapter: Tesla.Adapter.Httpc,

You can also configure an adapter's options via:

config :ex_tier, adapter: {Tesla.Adapter.Finch, name: ExTier}

## Compatibility

| ExTier     | Tier        | Erlang/OTP | Elixir       |
| -          | -           | -          | -            |
| `>= 0.0.0` | `>= 0.0.0`  | `>= 23.0.0` | `>= 1.14.0` |

## License

ExTier is released under the Apache License 2.0 - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.