# Elixir Tree Sitter Highlight

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This packages uses
to transform source code into highlighted HTML.

This is implemented with a nif binding to the rust crate

## Why not [makeup](

The main advantage is that adding language support is much easier since many
Tree-sitter grammars have already been written. Tree-sitter can also handle language injections, e.g. it can highlight heex code inside of an elixir string.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `ex_tree_sitter_highlight` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ex_tree_sitter_highlight, "~> 0.2.0"}

## Usage

**Supported languages:**

iex(1)> TreeSitterHighlight.get_supported_languages
[:c, :css, :elixir, :go, :haskell, :heex, :html, :javascript, :json, :rust]

**Render html:**

iex(2)> TreeSitterHighlight.render_html("1", :elixir)
 "<pre class=\"code-block language-elixir\"><code>\n<div class=\"line-wrapper\"><span class=\"line-number\">1</span><span class=\"token number\">1</span>\n</div>\n</code></pre>\n"}

**Get the default stylesheet:**

iex(3)> TreeSitterHighlight.get_default_css_content()
# returns content of priv/default.css

## Example Output

### Side by side comparison with Elixir Makeup:

### Simple UI for toggling dark mode / line numbers

### This project's rust source code: