# ExTripcode
Elixir library for generating tripcodes.
From [the full wiki](http://www.thefullwiki.org/Tripcode):
>A tripcode is a means of telecommunication authentication that does not require
>registration. Tripcodes are most often used in 2channel-style message boards or
>Futaba Channel-style imageboards. A tripcode is a hashed password by which a
>person can be identified by others.
*Note*: There exist widely different implementations of tripcodes, this one is
based on https://github.com/justinjensen/tripcode/
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `ex_tripcode` to your list of
dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:ex_tripcode, "~> 0.1.0"},
## Usage
### Generating Tripcodes
Most simple usage:
iex> ExTripcode.hash("elixir")
Secure Tripcodes work too, just pass in a secret seed:
iex> ExTripcode.hash("elixir", "secret")
### Parsing user strings
You can also parse a user string straight away. Note that if you don't pass
a seed, it will only parse for regular tripcodes, not secure tripcodes.
iex> seed = "secret"
iex> ExTripcode.parse("User#elixir#elixir", seed)
%{user: "User", code: "H3R1pplX/.", secure: "KZ1B7o9AtcJD9XQ"}
iex> ExTripcode.parse("User##elixir", seed)
%{user: "User", secure: "KZ1B7o9AtcJD9XQ"}
iex> ExTripcode.parse("User#elixir", seed)
%{user: "User", code: "H3R1pplX/."}
iex> ExTripcode.parse("User#elixir")
%{user: "User", code: "H3R1pplX/."}
## Links
* https://github.com/justinjensen/tripcode
* https://github.com/Nepeta/tripcode
* http://www.thefullwiki.org/Tripcode
* https://www.4chan.org/faq#trip
## License