
defmodule ExTypesense.Document do
  @moduledoc since: "0.1.0"
  @moduledoc """
  Module for CRUD operations for documents. Refer to this [doc guide](

  alias ExTypesense.HttpClient
  import Ecto.Query, warn: false

  @root_path "/"
  @collections_path @root_path <> "collections"
  @documents_path "documents"
  @import_path "import"
  @type response :: :ok | {:ok, map()} | {:error, map()}

  @doc """
  Get a document from a collection.

  ## Examples
      iex> schema = %{
      ...>   name: "posts",
      ...>   fields: [
      ...>     %{name: "title", type: "string"}
      ...>   ],
      ...> }
      ...> ExTypesense.create_collection(schema)
      ...> post = %{
      ...>    id: "444",
      ...>    collection_name: "posts",
      ...>    title: "the quick brown fox"
      ...> }
      iex> ExTypesense.create_document(post)
      iex> ExTypesense.get_document("posts", 444)
          "id" => "444",
          "collection_name" => "posts",
          "title" => "the quick brown fox",
  @doc since: "0.1.0"
  @spec get_document(module() | String.t(), integer()) :: response()
  def get_document(module_name, document_id)
      when is_atom(module_name) and is_integer(document_id) do
    collection_name = module_name.__schema__(:source)
    do_get_document(collection_name, document_id)

  def get_document(collection_name, document_id)
      when is_binary(collection_name) and is_integer(document_id) do
    do_get_document(collection_name, document_id)

  @spec do_get_document(String.t() | module(), integer()) :: response()
  defp do_get_document(collection_name, document_id) do
    path =
      |> Path.join(), path)

  @doc """
  Indexes multiple documents via maps.

  **Note**: when using maps as documents, you should pass a key named `collection_name`
  and with the lists of documents named `documents` (example shown below).

  ## Examples
      iex> schema = %{
      ...>   name: "posts",
      ...>   fields: [
      ...>     %{name: "title", type: "string"}
      ...>   ],
      ...> }
      ...> ExTypesense.create_collection(schema)
      ...> posts = %{
      ...>   collection_name: "posts",
      ...>   documents: [
      ...>     %{title: "the quick brown fox"},
      ...>     %{title: "jumps over the lazy dog"}
      ...>   ]
      ...> }
      iex> ExTypesense.index_multiple_documents(posts)
      {:ok, [%{"success" => true}, %{"success" => true}]}
  @doc since: "0.1.0"
  @spec index_multiple_documents(list(struct()) | map()) :: response()
  def index_multiple_documents([struct | _] = list_of_structs)
      when is_struct(struct) do
    collection_name = struct.__struct__.__schema__(:source)
    do_index_multiple_documents(collection_name, "create", list_of_structs)

  def index_multiple_documents(%{collection_name: collection_name, documents: documents} = map)
      when is_map(map) do
    do_index_multiple_documents(collection_name, "create", documents)

  @doc """
  Updates multiple documents via maps.

  **Note**: when using maps as documents, you should pass a key named `collection_name`
  and with the lists of documents named `documents` (example shown below). Also add the `id`
  for each documents.

  ## Examples
      iex> schema = %{
      ...>   name: "posts",
      ...>   fields: [
      ...>     %{name: "title", type: "string"}
      ...>   ],
      ...> }
      iex> ExTypesense.create_collection(schema)
      iex> posts = %{
      ...>   collection_name: "posts",
      ...>   documents: [
      ...>     %{id: "5", title: "the quick brown fox"},
      ...>     %{id: "6", title: "jumps over the lazy dog"}
      ...>   ]
      ...> }
      iex> {:ok, _} = ExTypesense.index_multiple_documents(posts)
      iex> updated_posts = %{
      ...>   collection_name: "posts",
      ...>   documents: [
      ...>     %{id: "5", title: "the quick"},
      ...>     %{id: "6", title: "jumps over"}
      ...>   ]
      ...> }
      iex> ExTypesense.update_multiple_documents(updated_posts)
      {:ok, [%{"success" => true}, %{"success" => true}]}
  @doc since: "0.3.0"
  @spec update_multiple_documents(list(struct()) | map()) :: response()
  def update_multiple_documents([struct | _] = list_of_structs) when is_struct(struct) do
    collection_name = struct.__struct__.__schema__(:source)
    do_index_multiple_documents(collection_name, "update", list_of_structs)

  def update_multiple_documents(%{collection_name: collection_name, documents: documents} = map)
      when is_map(map) do
    do_index_multiple_documents(collection_name, "update", documents)

  @doc """
  Upserts multiple documents via maps. Same with `update_multiple_documents/1` with some
  difference: creates one if not existed, otherwise updates it.

  **Note**: when using maps as documents, you should pass a key named `collection_name`
  and with the lists of documents named `documents` (example shown below). When `id` is added,
  it will update, otherwise creates a new document.
  for each documents.

  ## Examples
      iex> schema = %{
      ...>   name: "posts",
      ...>   fields: [
      ...>     %{name: "title", type: "string"}
      ...>   ],
      ...> }
      iex> ExTypesense.create_collection(schema)
      iex> posts = %{
      ...>   collection_name: "posts",
      ...>   documents: [
      ...>     %{id: "0", title: "the quick"},
      ...>     %{id: "1", title: "jumps over"}
      ...>   ]
      ...> }
      iex> ExTypesense.upsert_multiple_documents(posts)
      {:ok, [%{"success" => true}, %{"success" => true}]}
  @doc since: "0.3.0"
  @spec upsert_multiple_documents(map()) :: response()
  def upsert_multiple_documents(%{collection_name: collection_name, documents: documents} = map)
      when is_map(map) do
    do_index_multiple_documents(collection_name, "upsert", documents)

  @spec do_index_multiple_documents(String.t(), String.t(), [struct()] | [map()]) :: response()
  defp do_index_multiple_documents(collection_name, action, documents) do
    payload =
      |> Enum.join("\n")

    path = Path.join([@collections_path, collection_name, @documents_path, @import_path])
    uri = %URI{path: path, query: "action=#{action}"}
    HttpClient.httpc_run(uri, :post, payload, 'text/plain')

  @doc """
  Indexes a single document using struct or map. When using struct,
  the pk maps to document's id as string.

  **Note**: when using maps as documents, you should pass a key named "collection_name".

  ## Examples
      iex> schema = %{
      ...>   name: "posts",
      ...>   fields: [
      ...>     %{name: "title", type: "string"}
      ...>   ],
      ...> }
      iex> ExTypesense.create_collection(schema)
      iex> post =
      ...>  %{
      ...>    id: "34",
      ...>    collection_name: "posts",
      ...>    post_id: 34,
      ...>    title: "the quick brown fox",
      ...>    description: "jumps over the lazy dog"
      ...>  }
      iex> ExTypesense.create_document(post)
          "id" => "34",
          "collection_name" => "posts",
          "post_id" => 34,
          "title" => "the quick brown fox",
          "description" => "jumps over the lazy dog"
  @doc since: "0.3.0"
  @spec create_document(struct() | map() | [struct()] | [map()]) :: response()
  def create_document(struct) when is_struct(struct) do
    collection_name = struct.__struct__.__schema__(:source)
    path = Path.join([@collections_path, collection_name, @documents_path])
    payload = Map.put(struct, :id, to_string( |> Jason.encode!()
    do_index_document(path, :post, "create", payload)

  def create_document(document) when is_map(document) do
    collection_name = Map.get(document, :collection_name)
    path = Path.join([@collections_path, collection_name, @documents_path])
    do_index_document(path, :post, "create", Jason.encode!(document))

  @doc """
  Updates a single document using struct or map.

  **Note**: when using maps as documents, you should pass a key named "collection_name".

  ## Examples
      iex> schema = %{
      ...>   name: "posts",
      ...>   fields: [
      ...>     %{name: "title", type: "string"}
      ...>   ],
      ...> }
      iex> ExTypesense.create_collection(schema)
      iex> post =
      ...>  %{
      ...>    id: "94",
      ...>    collection_name: "posts",
      ...>    post_id: 94,
      ...>    title: "the quick brown fox"
      ...>  }
      iex> ExTypesense.create_document(post)
      iex> updated_post =
      ...>  %{
      ...>    id: "94",
      ...>    collection_name: "posts",
      ...>    post_id: 94,
      ...>    title: "test"
      ...>  }
      iex> ExTypesense.update_document(updated_post)
          "id" => "94",
          "collection_name" => "posts",
          "post_id" => 94,
          "title" => "test"
  @doc since: "0.3.0"
  @spec update_document(struct() | map()) :: response()
  def update_document(struct) when is_struct(struct) do
    collection_name = struct.__struct__.__schema__(:source)

    path =
      Path.join([@collections_path, collection_name, @documents_path, Jason.encode!(])

    do_index_document(path, :patch, "update", Jason.encode!(struct))

  def update_document(document) when is_map(document) do
    id = String.to_integer(
    collection_name = Map.get(document, :collection_name)
    path = Path.join([@collections_path, collection_name, @documents_path, Jason.encode!(id)])
    do_index_document(path, :patch, "update", Jason.encode!(document))

  @doc """
  Upserts a single document using struct or map.

  **Note**: when using maps as documents, you should pass a key named "collection_name".

  @doc since: "0.3.0"
  @spec upsert_document(map() | struct()) :: response()
  def upsert_document(struct) when is_struct(struct) do
    id = to_string(
    collection_name = struct.__struct__.__schema__(:source)
    document = Map.put(struct, :id, id) |> Jason.encode!()
    path = Path.join([@collections_path, collection_name, @documents_path])
    do_index_document(path, :post, "upsert", document)

  def upsert_document(document) when is_map(document) do
    collection_name = Map.get(document, :collection_name)
    id =

    document =
      if is_integer(id) do
        document |> Map.put(:id, Jason.encode!(id)) |> Jason.encode!()
        document |> Jason.encode!()

    path = Path.join([@collections_path, collection_name, @documents_path])
    do_index_document(path, :post, "upsert", document)

  @spec do_index_document(String.t(), atom(), String.t(), String.t()) :: response()
  defp do_index_document(path, method, action, document) do
    uri = %URI{path: path, query: "action=#{action}"}
    HttpClient.httpc_run(uri, method, document)

  @doc """
  Deletes a document by struct.
  @spec delete_document(struct()) :: response()
  def delete_document(struct) when is_struct(struct) do
    document_id =
    collection_name = struct.__struct__.__schema__(:source)
    do_delete_document(collection_name, document_id)

  @doc """
  Deletes a document by id.

  ## Examples
      iex> schema = %{
      ...>   name: "posts",
      ...>   fields: [
      ...>     %{name: "title", type: "string"}
      ...>   ],
      ...> }
      ...> ExTypesense.create_collection(schema)
      iex> post =
      ...>  %{
      ...>    id: "12",
      ...>    collection_name: "posts",
      ...>    post_id: 22,
      ...>    title: "the quick brown fox"
      ...>  }
      iex> ExTypesense.create_document(post)
      iex> ExTypesense.delete_document("posts", 12)
          "id" => "12",
          "post_id" => 22,
          "title" => "the quick brown fox",
          "collection_name" => "posts"
  @doc since: "0.3.0"
  @spec delete_document(String.t(), integer()) :: response()
  def delete_document(collection_name, document_id)
      when is_binary(collection_name) and is_integer(document_id) do
    do_delete_document(collection_name, document_id)

  defp do_delete_document(collection_name, document_id) do
    path =
      ]), path)