
defmodule ExTypst do
  @moduledoc """
  This module provides the core functions for interacting with
  the `typst` markup language compiler.

  Note that when using the formatting directives, they are exactly the same as
  `EEx`, so all of its constructs are supported.

  See [Typst's documentation]( for a quickstart.

  @embedded_fonts [Path.join(:code.priv_dir(:ex_typst), "fonts")]

  @type formattable :: {atom, any}

  @spec render_to_string(String.t(), list(formattable)) :: String.t()
  @doc """
  Formats the given markup template with the given bindings, mostly 
  useful for inspecting and debugging.

  ## Examples

      iex> ExTypst.render_to_string("= Hey <%= name %>!", name: "Jude")
      "= Hey Jude!"
  def render_to_string(typst_markup, bindings \\ []) do
    EEx.eval_string(typst_markup, bindings)

  @type pdf_opt :: {:extra_fonts, list(String.t())}

  @spec render_to_pdf(String.t(), list(formattable), list(pdf_opt)) ::
          {:ok, binary()} | {:error, String.t()}
  @doc """
  Converts a given piece of typst markup to a PDF binary.

  ## Examples

      iex> {:ok, pdf} = ExTypst.render_to_pdf("= test\\n<%= name %>", name: "John")
      iex> is_binary(pdf)
  def render_to_pdf(typst_markup, bindings \\ [], opts \\ []) do
    extra_fonts = Keyword.get(opts, :extra_fonts, []) ++ @embedded_fonts
    markup = render_to_string(typst_markup, bindings)
    ExTypst.NIF.compile(markup, extra_fonts)

  @spec render_to_pdf!(String.t(), list(formattable)) :: binary()
  @doc """
  Same as `render_to_pdf/2`, but raises if the rendering fails.
  def render_to_pdf!(typst_markup, bindings \\ []) do
    case render_to_pdf(typst_markup, bindings) do
      {:ok, pdf} -> pdf
      {:error, reason} -> raise "could not build pdf: #{reason}"