# ExUptimerobot

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A small Elixir wrapper for the API service.

Please note that this library is currently a work in progress (thus major version 0).

See []( for a list
of available API method wrappers.

## Installation

1. Add `ex_uptimerobot` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:ex_uptimerobot, "~> 0.2.3"}]

2. Run `mix deps.get`

Configure with your Uptime Robot API key, either via:

config :ex_uptimerobot, :api_key, "your-uptimerobot-api-key"

or by setting the `EXUPTIMEROBOT_API_KEY` system environment variable.

## Using ExUptimerobot

Example usage:

- Get all monitors: `ExUptimerobot.Monitor.get_monitors()`
- Add a new monitor: `ExUptimerobot.Monitor.new_monitor([friendly_name: "Elixir Lang", url: "", type: 1])`
- Get account details: `ExUptimerobot.Account.get_account_details()`
- Get alert contacts: `ExUptimerobot.AlertContact.get_alert_contacts()`

## Documentation

Docs can be found at [](

## License

Made available under the MIT license. See [LICENSE]( for more details.