
defmodule ExVatcheck.VIESClient.XMLParser do
  @moduledoc """
  A module for parsing XML responses from VIES client requests into Elixir maps.

  alias ExVatcheck.Xml

  @type response :: %{
          country_code: binary,
          vat_number: binary,
          request_date: binary,
          valid: boolean,
          name: binary | nil,
          address: binary | nil

  @check_vat_service_url SweetXml.sigil_x(

  @check_vat_fault SweetXml.sigil_x("//env:Envelope/env:Body/env:Fault")
  @check_vat_response SweetXml.sigil_x("//env:Envelope/env:Body/ns2:checkVatResponse")

  @check_vat_fault_fields [
    fault: SweetXml.sigil_x("./faultstring/text()")

  @check_vat_response_fields [
    country_code: SweetXml.sigil_x("./ns2:countryCode/text()"),
    vat_number: SweetXml.sigil_x("./ns2:vatNumber/text()"),
    request_date: SweetXml.sigil_x("./ns2:requestDate/text()"),
    valid: SweetXml.sigil_x("./ns2:valid/text()"),
    name: SweetXml.sigil_x("./ns2:name/text()"),
    address: SweetXml.sigil_x("./ns2:address/text()")

  @doc ~S"""
  The `parse_service/1` function parses the URL of the checkVatService from the
  VIES WSDL response.

  The WSDL has the following structure:
  <wsdl:definitions ...>
    <wsdl:service name="checkVatService">
      <wsdl:port name="checkVatPort" binding="impl:checkVatBinding">
        <wsdlsoap:address location=""/>
  @spec parse_service(binary) :: {:ok, binary} | {:error, binary}
  def parse_service(wsdl_response) do
    case Xml.parse(wsdl_response, @check_vat_service_url) do
      nil -> {:error, :invalid_wsdl}
      url -> {:ok, to_string(url)}

  @doc ~S"""
  The `parse_response/1` function parses the XML response returned by requests to
  the checkVatService.

  When the service is available, the response has the following structure:
  <env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
      <ns2:checkVatResponse xmlns="">
        <ns2:name>SPRL BIGUP</name>
        <ns2:address>RUE LONGUE 93 1320 BEAUVECHAIN</address>

  Sometimes, the VIES service is unavailable (see
  In the case that it is not, the response has the following structure:

  <env:Envelope xmlns:env="">

  If ex_vatcheck is not able to parse either of the above XML responses,
  the function will return an error tuple.
  @spec parse_response(binary) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, binary}
  def parse_response(response_body) do
    cond do
      fault = Xml.parse(response_body, @check_vat_fault, @check_vat_fault_fields) ->
        {:error, fault |> Map.get(:fault) |> to_string() |> format_fault()}

      body = Xml.parse(response_body, @check_vat_response, @check_vat_response_fields) ->
        {:ok, format_fields(body)}

      true ->
        {:error, format_fault("XML_ERROR")}

  @spec format_fields(map) :: response
  defp format_fields(body) do
      country_code: format_field(body.country_code),
      vat_number: format_field(body.vat_number),
      request_date: body.request_date |> format_field() |> format_date(),
      valid: body.valid == 'true',
      name: format_field(,
      address: format_field(body.address)

  @spec format_field(charlist | nil) :: binary | nil
  defp format_field(nil), do: nil
  defp format_field(charlist), do: to_string(charlist)

  @spec format_date(binary) :: binary
  defp format_date(<<date::binary-size(10), "+", _time::binary-size(5)>>), do: date
  defp format_date(date), do: date

  @spec format_fault(binary) :: binary
  defp format_fault(fault) do
    if String.contains?(fault, "MS_UNAVAILABLE") do
      "Service unavailable"
      "Unknown error: #{fault}"