This library provides a small set of Elixir functions to communicate with lab instruments via VISA.

## Requirements
You need [NI-VISA]( (or other visa libraries) installed in the default location or `LIB_VISA_PATH` (See [visa-rs](

## Installation

Add `simple_visa` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ex_visa, "~> 0.0.2"}

## Usage
iex(1)> ExVISA.list_resources()
iex(2)> ExVISA.idn("GPIB1::8::INSTR")
"KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS INC.,MODEL 6221,4559777,D04  /700x \n"
iex(3)> ExVISA.write("GPIB1::8::INSTR", "SOUR:DELT:ARM\n")
iex(4)> ExVISA.write("GPIB1::8::INSTR", "INIT:IMM\n")
iex(5)> ExVISA.query("GPIB1::8::INSTR", "SENS:DATA?\n")

## Details
Communication to VISA is implemented using [visa-rs](