# ExWebexteams
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This is currently a *use at your own risk* package.  The intended functionality works well in my limited test case (posting messages to a room) but has not been robustly tested.

## Required Configuration
The following configuration information is required to connect to the Teams API.  This can be supplied through creating a `dev.secret.exs` and `prod.secret.exs` file or by setting environment variables (preferred for production).

### Obtaining required configuration
1. Webex Token: See [Creating a Webex Teams Bot](

## Optional configuration
The rate limiter [ex_rated]( can be configured using *secret files* or *environment variables*.  See `ExWebexteams.Api` for details

## Using secret files
`dev.secret.exs` and `prod.secret.exs` are in the `config` folder and are called based on the environment you are in.  Below is an example file
use Mix.Config

config :ex_webexteams,
  webex_token: "MYTOKEN"
## Using environment variables
The following environment variables need to be set if you are not using a *secret* file. This is the recommended method for production.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `ex_webexteams` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ex_webexteams, "~> 0.1.1"}

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