# WeMo

Discover, monitor and control [Belkin WeMo]( devices on your local network

## Supported Devices
  * LightSwitch
  * Insight
  * Switch
  * Coffee Maker
  * Humidifier
  * More coming soon.
    * Or feel free to add your favorite.
    * Feel free to reach out if you need some help.

## Installation

    1. git clone
    2. cd wemo
    3. mix do deps.get, deps.compile
    4. iex -S mix
    5. WeMo.Client.start(host_ip \\ nil)
    6. WeMo.register()
    7. SSDP.Client.start()

## Usage

`WeMo.Client.start` registers the WeMo library with the `SSDP.Registry`. You can pass `WeMo.Client.start` your IP address, or it will attempt to ascertain it by iterating over your network interfaces and using the first non-local ipv4 address it finds. The IP is for setting the `CALLBACK` url for the `SOAP` actions. Calling `WeMo.Client.start` allows you to wait for the network to be up, especially helpful when dealing with [Nerves]( systems.

The WeMo library runs a small cowboy server on port `8083` by default, this is overridable via `:ex_wemo, :http_port`, for receiving subscription events from the devices. You should see some success and error messages if you ran the interactive terminal session in the installation section.

Calling `WeMo.register()`, registers your process with the `WeMo.Registry`. All events and action results are published over this registry. You can handle events using `handle_info({:device, device})` in the process that called `WeMo.register()`. Where device is the device state shown below.

Once everything is configured we start the `SSDP.Client`, again this allows us to wait until the network is up before looking for devices.

## Events and Action Results

The events and action results are the same thing, just the most up-to-date state object from the device. They are both broadcast over the registry in the form `{:device, device}` where the device is a State object for the given device type. Each device type `Insight, LightSwitch, etc` writes it's unique state to the `values` key.

### Insight values
  average_power: 0,
  current_power: 0,
  energy_today: 630892,
  energy_total: 1128564767,
  last_changed_at: 1507047806,
  last_on_for: 3,
  on_today: 231,
  on_total: 1036198,
  standby_limit: 0,
  state: :off,
  timespan: 70729

### Insight Device State

The full device state also includes the SSDP device state `device`, subscription registration ids `sids`, `host_ip` and the `pid` of the device process.
    device: %{
      device: %{
        device_type: 'urn:Belkin:device:insight:1',
        friendly_name: 'Home Lab Insight',
        icon_list: [%{depth: '100', height: '100', mime_type: 'jpg', url: 'icon.jpg', width: '100'}],
        manufacturer: 'Belkin International Inc.',
        manufacturer_url: '',
        model_description: 'Belkin Insight 1.0', model_name: 'Insight',
        model_number: '1.0', model_url: '',
        presentation_url: '/pluginpres.html', serial_number: nil,
        service_list: [%{control_url: '/upnp/control/WiFiSetup1',
           event_sub_url: '/upnp/event/WiFiSetup1', scpd_url: '/setupservice.xml',
           service_id: 'urn:Belkin:serviceId:WiFiSetup1',
           service_type: 'urn:Belkin:service:WiFiSetup:1'},
         %{control_url: '/upnp/control/timesync1',
           event_sub_url: '/upnp/event/timesync1',
           scpd_url: '/timesyncservice.xml',
           service_id: 'urn:Belkin:serviceId:timesync1',
           service_type: 'urn:Belkin:service:timesync:1'},
         %{control_url: '/upnp/control/basicevent1',
           event_sub_url: '/upnp/event/basicevent1',
           scpd_url: '/eventservice.xml',
           service_id: 'urn:Belkin:serviceId:basicevent1',
           service_type: 'urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1'},
         %{control_url: '/upnp/control/firmwareupdate1',
           event_sub_url: '/upnp/event/firmwareupdate1',
           scpd_url: '/firmwareupdate.xml',
           service_id: 'urn:Belkin:serviceId:firmwareupdate1',
           service_type: 'urn:Belkin:service:firmwareupdate:1'},
         %{control_url: '/upnp/control/rules1',
           event_sub_url: '/upnp/event/rules1', scpd_url: '/rulesservice.xml',
           service_id: 'urn:Belkin:serviceId:rules1',
           service_type: 'urn:Belkin:service:rules:1'},
         %{control_url: '/upnp/control/metainfo1',
           event_sub_url: '/upnp/event/metainfo1',
           scpd_url: '/metainfoservice.xml',
           service_id: 'urn:Belkin:serviceId:metainfo1',
           service_type: 'urn:Belkin:service:metainfo:1'},
         %{control_url: '/upnp/control/remoteaccess1',
           event_sub_url: '/upnp/event/remoteaccess1',
           scpd_url: '/remoteaccess.xml',
           service_id: 'urn:Belkin:serviceId:remoteaccess1',
           service_type: 'urn:Belkin:service:remoteaccess:1'},
         %{control_url: '/upnp/control/deviceinfo1',
           event_sub_url: '/upnp/event/deviceinfo1',
           scpd_url: '/deviceinfoservice.xml',
           service_id: 'urn:Belkin:serviceId:deviceinfo1',
           service_type: 'urn:Belkin:service:deviceinfo:1'},
         %{control_url: '/upnp/control/insight1',
           event_sub_url: '/upnp/event/insight1', scpd_url: '/insightservice.xml',
           service_id: 'urn:Belkin:serviceId:insight1',
           service_type: 'urn:Belkin:service:insight:1'},
         %{control_url: '/upnp/control/smartsetup1',
           event_sub_url: '/upnp/event/smartsetup1', scpd_url: '/smartsetup.xml',
           service_id: 'urn:Belkin:serviceId:smartsetup1',
           service_type: 'urn:Belkin:service:smartsetup:1'},
         %{control_url: '/upnp/control/manufacture1',
           event_sub_url: '/upnp/event/manufacture1',
           scpd_url: '/manufacture.xml',
           service_id: 'urn:Belkin:serviceId:manufacture1',
           service_type: 'urn:Belkin:service:manufacture:1'}
        udn: 'uuid:Insight-1_0-221350K12000B5',
        upc: nil
      uri: %URI{
        authority: "",
        fragment: nil,
        host: "",
        path: "/setup.xml",
        port: 49153,
        query: nil,
        scheme: "http",
        userinfo: nil
      url: nil,
      version: %{major: '1', minor: '0'}
    host_ip: {192, 168, 10, 5},
    pid: :"uuid:Insight-1_0-221350K12000B5",
    sids: ["uuid:33db5c96-1dd2-11b2-a2a3-c9a4beb5df50",
    values: %WeMo.Device.Insight.Values{
      average_power: 0,
      current_power: 0,
      energy_today: 630892,
      energy_total: 1128564767,
      last_changed_at: 1507047806,
      last_on_for: 3,
      on_today: 231,
      on_total: 1036198,
      standby_limit: 0,
      state: :off,
      timespan: 70729

Here is the simple test to check an actual WeMo Insight on your network.

defmodule WemoTest do
  use ExUnit.Case
  doctest WeMo

  test "test actual Insight device on network" do
    assert_receive {:device, %{device: %{device: %{device_type: 'urn:Belkin:device:insight:1'}}} = device}, 65_000 |> WeMo.Device.Insight.on()
    assert_receive {:device, %{device: %{device: %{device_type: 'urn:Belkin:device:insight:1'}}, values: %{state: :on}} = device}, 10_000
    :timer.sleep(800) |>
    assert_receive {:device, %{device: %{device: %{device_type: 'urn:Belkin:device:insight:1'}}, values: %{state: :off}} = device}, 10_000

If you have more than one Insight on your network, you may want to pattern match on `{:device, %{device: %{device: %{udn: device_udn}}}}`