# ExWikipedia

`ExWikipedia` is an Elixir client for the [Wikipedia API](

Currently the package only supports searching for Wikipedia Pages by IDs. e.g. `54173`; searching by title or revision ID is not yet supported.

## Usage

   categories: ["Webarchive template wayback links",
    "All articles with dead external links",
    "Articles with dead external links from June 2016", ...],
   content: "Pulp Fiction is a 1994 American black comedy" <> ...,
   external_links: ["",
    "", ...],
   images: ["",
    "", ...],
   page_id: 54173,
   revision_id: 1059110452,
   summary: "Pulp Fiction is a 1994 American black comedycrime film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, who conceived it with Roger Avary. Starring John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson," <> ...,
   title: "Pulp Fiction",
   url: ""

## Defaults

This currently uses `HTTPoison` as its default HTTP client.

If you wish to use a different HTTP client to drive the requests, e.g. `Tesla`, you can specify it as the `:http_client` option along with any needed customizations for the `:status_key` or `:body_key`.  E.g.

 iex>, [http_client: Tesla, status_key: :status])
   categories: ["Webarchive template wayback links",
   # ... etc...

`Jason` is the default JSON encoder (customize this via the `:decoder` option).
`Floki` is the default HTML parser used by the page parser. See `ExWikipedia.PageParser` for its use.

See `ExWikipedia.Page.fetch/2` for full implementation details.

## Installation

def deps do
    {:ex_wikipedia, "~> 0.1.0"}