# ex_wpvulndb
Elixir API wrapper library for the [WPVULNDB / WPScan Vulnerability Database]( API v2.
## Installation
Install from [](
def deps do
{:ex_wpvulndb, "~> 0.2.0"}
## Usage
No API keys are required by the WPVULNDB API. Note that the API is intended to be free only for non-commercial software. Use this API wrapper at your own discretion.
### Get vulnerabilities affecting a particular...
- WordPress core version: `ExWpvulndb.Core.get_by_version("4.8.1")`
- WordPress plugin: `ExWpvulndb.Plugin.get_by_slug("eshop")`
- WordPress theme: `ExWpvulndb.Theme.get_by_slug("pagelines")`
All functions return either an `{:ok, results}` or an `{:error, reason}` tuple.
## Testing
You can run `mix credo` and `mix dialyzer` to ensure a level of code consistency and freedom from type errors.
## License
Licensed under MIT. See LICENSE for details.