# ExXirr
[![codecov](]( ![]( ![Travis](

A library to calculate xirr through the Newton Raphson using parallel processes.

## Usage

    iex> d = [{1985, 1, 1}, {1990, 1, 1}, {1995, 1, 1}]
    iex> v = [1000, -600, -200]
    iex> ExXirr.xirr(d,v)
    {:ok, -0.034592}

## Installation

The package can be installed as:

  1. Add ex_xirr to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

      def deps do
        [{:ex_xirr, "~> 1.0.0"}]

  2. Ensure ex_xirr is started before your application:

      def application do
        [applications: [:ex_xirr]]
## Test

- Run the test suite using the following
    MIX_ENV=test mix test

- We use benchfella for the benchmark tests. Run it using the following
    MIX_ENV=test mix bench
    MIX_ENV=test mix bench
    # Generate graphs of the above runs
    MIX_ENV=test mix bench.graph
## Credits

This application is built on the fantastic [finance-elixir]( package. Many thanks to [tubedude]( for his work.