# example_files
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Your project may contain files that are intended to serve as explanatory samples
of files provided by a project contributor or user, such as configuration and the
like. The Mix tasks provided here enable you to easily find, copy, and check the
freshness of example files and your copies of them.
An example file may be “applied,” which means that it is copied into the same
directory, using a file name that lacks the “example” nomenclature.
## Individual file status
Status is one of three values:
* Missing — never applied
* Out-of-date — applied, but currently different in content from the example
* Up-to-date — applied and identical in content to the example
## Collisions
Your project may contain two or more example files that, when applied, use the
same resulting file name. This constitutes a “collision.” Colliding example files
are noted on _stderr_.
## Installation
Use _example_files_ by adding it to a Mix `deps` declaration.
# mix.exs
# ...
defp deps do
[{:example_files, "~> 0.2", only: [:dev, :test]}]
# ...
## Usage
The _example_files_ commands are exposed as Mix tasks. Get help on them through
Mix itself, with `mix help | grep example_files` and `mix help example_files`.
## Contributing
1. [Fork][fork-example_files] the official repository.
2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-new-feature`.
3. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'`.
4. Push to the branch: `git push origin my-new-feature`.
5. [Create][compare-example_files-branches] a new pull request.
After cloning the repository, `mix deps.get` to install dependencies. Then
`mix espec` to run the tests. You can also `iex` to get an interactive prompt
that will allow you to experiment.
To build this package, `mix hex.build`. To release a new version:
1. Update [the ”Installation” section](#installation) of this readme to reference
the new version, and commit.
2. Update the project history in _History.md_, and commit.
3. Update the version number in _mix.exs_, and commit.
4. Tag the commit and push commits and tags.
5. Build and publish the package on [Hex](Hex-release) with `mix hex.publish`.
## License
Released under the [MIT License][MIT-License].
[Travis CI build status]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/njonsson/example_files.svg?branch=master
[Hex release]: https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/example_files.svg
[Travis-CI-build-status]: http://travis-ci.org/njonsson/example_files "Travis CI build status for example_files"
[Hex-release]: https://hex.pm/packages/example_files "Hex release of example_files"
[fork-example_files]: https://github.com/njonsson/example_files/fork "Fork the official repository of example_files"
[compare-example_files-branches]: https://github.com/njonsson/example_files/compare "Compare branches of example_files repositories"
[MIT-License]: http://github.com/njonsson/example_files/blob/master/License.md "MIT License claim for example_files"