# ExBouncer :muscle:
An authorization library :cop: in Elixir :sake: for Plug applications that restricts what resources the current user/admin or any role is allowed to access.
Use this in any of your plug module, where you fetch the current user or admin. You could then halt the chain, even before it reaches the controller.
## Installation
**Dependencies**: Make sure you have Erlang 18+ version installed and Elixir 1.x version.
1. Add exbouncer to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:exbouncer, "~> 0.0.1"}]
2. Ensure exbouncer is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:exbouncer]]
3. Define a `ExBouncer.Entries` module with authorization logic
defmodule ExBouncer.Entries do
import ExBouncer.Base
bouncer_for %User{role: :admin}, [
["api", "users", _],
{"DELETE", ["api", "posts", _]}
## Usage
In your plug, once you identify the appropriate resource (say: a current user), you can pass it to check if they are allowed to visit the route.
ExBouncer.allow_resource?(%User{role: :admin}, conn)
#=> true
#=> false
For every `bouncer_for` for a particular resource (say %User{}) is made, then for that route `allow_visitor?\1` would be false.
Begin your code :boom: Bonne Chance :metal: