defmodule Excessibility do
@moduledoc """
Documentation for `Excessibility`.
alias Excessibility.CaptureHTML
@doc """
Using the Excessibility macro will require the file for you.
## Examples
use Excessibility
defmacro __using__(_opts) do
quote do
require Excessibility
@doc """
The html_snapshot macro can be called to produce an HTML snapshot of any of the following:
- A Phoenix Conn
- A Wallaby Session
- A LiveViewTest View
- A LiveViewTest Element
These snapshots can then be used later to run pa11y against by calling the mix task..It will return the thing that was passed in so that you can include it in a pipeline.
You can optionally pass a second argument of true to open the file in your browser for development purposes.
## Examples
iex> Excessibility.html_snapshot(source, opts \\ [])
defmacro html_snapshot(source, opts \\ []) do
quote do
Excessibility.capture_html!(unquote(source), __ENV__, __MODULE__, unquote(opts))
@doc """
Captures an HTML screenshot
defdelegate capture_html!(source, env, module, opts), to: CaptureHTML