Bindings for [etcd][1]'s HTTP API.
[1]: https://github.com/coreos/etcd
## Status
This is alpha-quality software. Everything described in the docs should work as
advertised, but some edge-cases might still pop up.
One particular feature that is likely to malfunction is request timeouts. Any
help testing those or pinpointing issues with them will be appreciated.
## Usage
Add Excetera as a dependency to your project and modify the `:etcd_url`
config parameter to point to the location of your etcd instance:
config :excetera, etcd_url: "http://my.host.name:4001/v2/keys"
Now you can fetch and set values:
Excetera.set!("/test/key", "value")
#=> {:ok, "value}
#=> "value"
Excetera.get("/test/key", "default")
#=> "default"
Apart from strings and values convertible to strings, Excetera supports some
other types:
map = %{any: "elixir term", can: {'be', 'encoded'}}
Excetera.set!("/test/term", map, type: :term)
Excetera.fetch!("/test/term", type: :term)
#=> %{any: "elixir term", can: {'be', 'encoded'}}
json_map = %{json: ['is', 'lossy']}
Excetera.set!("/test/json", json_map, type: :json)
Excetera.fetch!("/test/json", type: :json)
#=> %{"json" => ['is', 'lossy']}
You can also wait for new changes to arrive:
spawn_link(fn ->
IO.inspect Excetera.fetch!("/test/nokey", wait: true)
Excetera.set!("/test/nokey", "hello")
# "hello" is printed to the console
## Documentation
The source code in `lib/excetera.ex` contains inline documentation of the API.