# ExCheck [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/parroty/excheck.png?branch=master "Build Status")](http://travis-ci.org/parroty/excheck) [![Coverage Status](http://img.shields.io/coveralls/parroty/excheck.svg)](https://coveralls.io/r/parroty/excheck)
Property-based testing for Elixir (QuickCheck style).
It uses Erlang's [triq](https://github.com/krestenkrab/triq) library for underlying checking engine, and ExCheck's modules provide wrapper macros for ExUnit tests.
Note: as of v0.5, `triqng/triq` is applied for fixing the issue #30.
### Installation
First add ExCheck and triq to your project's dependencies in mix.exs.
defp deps do
{:excheck, "~> 0.5", only: :test},
{:triq, github: "triqng/triq", only: :test}
You need to have erlang-eunit installed in order to build triq.
and add the following to test_helper.exs:
# ... other helper functions
### Configuration
You can also specify the amount of tests that you want to run for each property
by adding the following to your config.exs:
use Mix.Config
# import "#{Mix.env}.exs" # If you want to specify different amount for each environment
# And then in this file (or different amount in each config file):
config :excheck, :number_iterations, 200
**Note:** This setting is not effective for `ExCheck.check(module_name)` at the moment (refer to [#13](https://github.com/parroty/excheck/pull/13)).
### Usage
The following is an testing example. `ExCheck.SampleTest` is the testing code for `ExCheck.Sample`.
#### Test
defmodule ExCheck.SampleTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: false
use ExCheck
alias ExCheck.Sample
property :square do
for_all x in int, do: x * x >= 0
property :implies do
for_all x in int do
#implies skip samples that does not satisfy the predicate. Also, it prints x when skip a sample
implies x >= 0 do
x >= 0
property :such_that do
for_all {x, y} in such_that({xx, yy} in {int, int} when xx < yy) do
x < y
property :concat_list do
for_all {xs, ys} in {list(int), list(int)} do
Enum.count(Sample.concat(xs, ys)) == Enum.count(xs) + Enum.count(ys)
property :push_list do
for_all {x, y} in {int, list(int)} do
result = Sample.push(x, y)
Enum.at(result, 0) == x and Enum.count(result) == Enum.count(y) + 1
# specify iteration count for running test
@tag iterations: 30
property :square_with_iteration_count do
for_all x in int, do: x * x >= 0
#### Code
defmodule ExCheck.Sample do
@moduledoc """
Sample logic to be tested by ExCheck (refer to sample_test.exs for tests)
@doc "concatinate the list"
def concat(x, y) do
x ++ y
@doc "push element in the list"
def push(x, y) do
#### Run
mix test test/sample_test.exs
Finished in 0.2 seconds (0.1s on load, 0.08s on tests)
948 tests, 0 failures
You can also add the optional flag --trace to get additional output
mix test test/sample_test.exs --trace
* implies_property........xx.x.x..x..xx.xxx..x.x.x.x..x..x..xx....x.x.xx.xxxxxx..xx...x...xx.x...x.x..xxxxx..x...x......xxxxx.x.x..xxx.x..x.xx..xx..xxxx.x.x..xx.......x..xx.xx...x...x...xxx.xxx.x.xx.xx * implies_property (14.7ms)
* square_property........................................................................................................................................................................................ * square_property (4.1ms)
* push_list_property..................................................................................................................................................................................... * push_list_property (14.7ms)
* square_with_iteration_count_property (0.7ms)......................
* such_that_property..................................................................................................................................................................................... * such_that_property (4.8ms)
* concat_list_property................................................................................................................................................................................... * concat_list_property (25.4ms)
Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s on load, 0.06s on tests)
942 tests, 0 failures
There are some more examples at <a href="https://github.com/parroty/excheck/tree/master/test" target="_blank">test</a> directory.
### Generators
The following generators defined in :triq are imported through "use ExCheck" statement.
- list/1, tuple/1, int/0, int/1, int/2, byte/0, real/0, sized/1, elements/1, any/0, atom/0, atom/1, choose/2, oneof/1, frequency/1, bool/0, char/0, return/1, vector/2, binary/1, binary/0, non_empty/1, resize/2, non_neg_integer/0, pos_integer/0,
- unicode_char/0, unicode_string/0, unicode_string/1, unicode_binary/0, unicode_binary/1, unicode_binary/2, unicode_characters/0, unicode_characters/1,
- bind/2, bindshrink/2, suchthat/2, pick/2, shrink/2, sample/1, sampleshrink/1, seal/1, open/1, peek/1, domain/3, shrink_without_duplicates/1
### Notes
- It's a trial implementation, and has limited functionalities yet.
- Files in test folder contains some more property examples.