# ExCov

Code Coverage Reports for Elixir code.

`ExCov` is a lightweight, dependency-free, drop-in replacement for the code
coverage tool that is invoked by Mix when `mix test --cover` is invoked.

`ExCov` supports [Pluggable Reporters](#pluggable_reporters) for integration
with external services and customized reporting.

## Pluggable Reporters

ExCov uses pluggable reporters to print code coverage reports.

`ExCov` is intentionally minimal and free of any runtime dependencies, by
default the library includes no reporters.

To be useful, you must include at least one reporter as a dependency to your
project along with ExCov.

[`ExCov.Console`]( is a
good one to start with.

## Configuration

### mix.exs

Add the following to your project’s `mix.exs`:

def project do
    test_coverage: [tool: ExCov],
    preferred_cli_env: [
      "cov": :test,
      "cov.detail": :test,

defp deps do
    {:excov, "~> 0.1", only: :test},
    {:excov_reporter_console, "~> 0.1", only: :test}

### config/test.exs

config :excov,
  :reporters, [

config :excov, ExCov.Reporter.Console,
  show_summary: true,
  show_detail: false


## Run

To run the cover tool via the `mix` command:

mix test --cover

mix cov

mix cov.detail

## Credits

ExCov drew some initial ideas from
thanks [parroty](

## License

ExCov is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).