# Exemvi
Exemvi is a library to work with EMV QR Code Specification for Payment Systems.
Exemvi only supports validating and parsing Merchant-Presented Mode (MPM) QR Code. Support for generating MPM QR Code is planned for future versions.
At this moment, support for Consumer-Presented Mode (CPM) is not planned.
The specifications of EMV QR Code can be found at https://www.emvco.com/emv-technologies/qrcodes/
## Installation
Add `exemvi` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:exemvi, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Basic Usage
1. Validating the whole QR Code:
qr_code = "qr_code_string"
result = Exemvi.QR.MP.validate_qr(qr_code)
The `result` is either:
- `{:ok, qr_code}` where `qr_code` is the QR Code orginally supplied to the function
- `{:error, reasons}` where `reasons` is a list of validation error reasons as atoms
2. Parsing QR Code into data objects:
qr_code = "qr_code_string"
result = Exemvi.QR.MP.parse_to_objects(qr_code)
The `result` is either:
- `{:ok, objects}` where `objects` is a list of `Exemvi.MP.Object` structs
- `{:error, reasons}` where `reasons` is a list of parsing error reasons as atoms
3. Validating parsed data objects:
objects = [%Exemvi.QR.MP.Object{id: "00", value: "01"}, ...]
result = Exemvi.QR.MP.validate_objects(qr_code)
The `result` is either:
- `{:ok, objects}` where `objects` is the objects originally supplied to the function
- `{:error, reasons}` where `reasons` is a list of validation error reasons as atoms
4. All three functions above can be piped:
result = qr_code
|> Exemvi.QR.MP.validate_qr()
|> Exemvi.QR.MP.parse_to_objects()
|> Exemvi.QR.MP.validate_objects()
## Example
Let's try parsing the official sample.
official_sample = "00020101021229300012D156000000000510A93FO3230Q31280012D15600000001030812345678520441115802CN5914BEST TRANSPORT6007BEIJING64200002ZH0104最佳运输0202北京540523.7253031565502016233030412340603***0708A60086670902ME91320016A0112233449988770708123456786304A13A"
{:ok, objects} <- Exemvi.QR.MP.parse_to_objects(official_sample)
The resulting objects looks like below:
%Exemvi.QR.MP.Object{id: "00", objects: nil, value: "01"},
%Exemvi.QR.MP.Object{id: "01", objects: nil, value: "12"},
id: "29",
objects: [
%Exemvi.QR.MP.Object{id: "00", objects: nil, value: "D15600000000"},
%Exemvi.QR.MP.Object{id: "05", objects: nil, value: "A93FO3230Q"}
value: nil
id: "31",
objects: [
%Exemvi.QR.MP.Object{id: "00", objects: nil, value: "D15600000001"},
%Exemvi.QR.MP.Object{id: "03", objects: nil, value: "12345678"}
value: nil
#... Other objects are removed for brevity
Let's try validating an obviously invalid QR Code.
wrong_qr_code = "0002XX"
{:error, reasons} = Exemvi.QR.MP.validate_qr(wrong_qr_code)
The resulting error reason is `[:invalid_qr]`. Note that the error is a list containing error atoms.
## Data Object Names
When represented as atoms, data object names in this library are formatted in snake case (lower case with underscores). For example `:payload_format_indicator`.
### Error Values
The data object naming convention is relevant when figuring out error reason atoms.
Below are the possible types of failures when validating data objects:
- Invalid data object value
The error atom is the snake case object name prefixed with `invalid_`. For example `:invalid_additional_consumer_data_request`
- Missing mandatory data object
The error atom is the snake case object name prefixed with `missing_`. For example `:missing_country_code`
- Orphaned data object
The error atom is the snake case object name prefixed with `orphaned_`. For example `:orphaned_value_of_convenience_fee_fixed`