# Exenv

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Exenv provides an adapter-based solution to loading environment variables from
external sources.

It comes with the following adapter:

* `Exenv.Adapters.Dotenv` (load from .env files)

But has support from external adapters as well:

* [Exenv.Adapters.YAML]( (load from .yml files)

## Installation

This package can be installed by adding `exenv` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:exenv, "~> 0.2"}

## Documentation

Please see [HexDocs]( for additional
documentation. This readme provides a brief overview, but it is recommended that
the docs are used.

## Getting Started

If all you want is to load a `.env` file on application start - then you're already
done! Out of the box, `Exenv` is configured to start itself with the `Exenv.Adapters.Dotenv`
adapter configured with sane defaults. This means autoloading on application start - with
the `.env` file required to be within your projects root directory.

## Configuration

If you need finer grained control of things, `Exenv` provides extensive config mechansims.

If you do not want `Exenv` to start on application start, simply add the following line to
you `config.exs` file.

config :exenv, start_on_application: false

If you choose to do the above, you will be responsble for adding `Exenv` to your own
supervision tree.

defmodule MySupervisor do
  use Supervisor

  def start_link(opts) do
    Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok, opts)

  def init(:ok) do
    children = [
      {Exenv, []}

    Supervisor.init(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

We can pass configuration options to `Exenv` from application config, or directly
from the `child_spec/1` callback.

config :exenv, [
  start_on_application: false,
  adapters: [
    {Exenv.Adapters.Dotenv, [file: "path/to/.env"]}

children = [
  {Exenv, [adapters: [{Exenv.Adapters.Dotenv, [file: "path/to/.env"]}]]}

Supervisor.init(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

Options passed to the `child_spec/1` callback take precedence over any application

By default, all adapters will autoload their environment vars when `Exenv` starts up.
You can override this behaviour on a per-adapter basis, by simply passing the
`autoload: false` key within your adapter config.

  adapters: [
    {Exenv.Adapters.Dotenv, [autoload: false, file: "path/to/.env"]}

You can then manually load all env vars from your defined adapters:
