# Exfile

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File upload handling in Elixir and Plug. Inspired heavily by [Refile](
If you use Ruby, check Refile out. I like it. A lot. 👍

Requires Elixir `~> 1.2.0`. At this point, it is only tested against the most 
recent version of Elixir.

In very heavy development. Expect things to break. I'll release 1.0 when it's
ready and I have it in a production environment.

## Storage Adapters

Exfile, like Refile, supports pluggable storage adapters. Exfile ships with a
filesystem-backed storage adapter.

* [exfile-memory]( -- a memory-backed
	(ETS) storage adapter. This is usually only useful as a cache.
* [exfile-b2]( -- storage adapter for
	Backblaze B2.

## File Processors

Exfile supports pluggable file processors / filters. If you're working with
images, `exfile-imagemagick` is recommended.

* [exfile-imagemagick](

## Installation

1. Add exfile to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

	def deps do
	  [{:exfile, "~> 0.1.3"}]

2. Ensure exfile is started before your application:

	def application do
	  [applications: [:exfile]]

3. Mount the Exfile routes in your router.

### Phoenix

defmodule MyApp.Router do
  use MyApp.Web, :router

  foward "/attachments", Exfile.Router

To use the `exfile_path` and `exfile_url` helpers, include the
`Exfile.Phoenix.Helpers` module where you need it (probably in the `view`
section of your `web/web.ex` file).

### Plug

defmodule MyApp.Router do
  use Plug.Router

  forward "/attachments", to: Exfile.Router

### Ecto Integration

The following example will upload a file to the backend configured as "store".
If you want to upload files to an alternate backend, please take a look at
`Exfile.Ecto.File` and `Exfile.Ecto.FileTemplate` for instructions on making
a custom `Ecto.Type` for your needs.

defmodule MyApp.User do
  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "users" do
    field :profile_picture, Exfile.Ecto.File

## Configuration

In `config.exs`:

config :exfile, Exfile,
  secret: "secret string to generate the token used to authenticate requests",
  backends: %{
    "store" => configuration for the default persistent store
    "cache" => configuration for an ephemeral store holding temporarily uploaded content

See `Exfile.Config` for defaults.