# exfmt 🌸
> `exfmt` is in alpha. If you run into any problems, please
> [report them][issues].
> **The format produced by exfmt will change significantly before the 1.0.0
> release.** If this will cause problems for you, please refrain from using
> exfmt during the alpha- and beta-test periods.
[issues]: https://github.com/lpil/exfmt/issues
`exfmt` is inspired by Aaron VonderHaar's [elm-format][elm-format], and aims
to format [Elixir][elixir] source code largely according to the standards
defined in Aleksei Magusev's [Elixir Style Guide][style-guide].
# exfmt takes any Elixir code...
defmodule MyApp, do: (
use( SomeLib )
def run( data ), do: {
# and rewrites it in a clean and idiomatic style:
defmodule MyApp do
use SomeLib
def run(data) do
{:ok, data}
The benefits of `exfmt`:
- It makes code **easier to write**, because you never have to worry about
minor formatting concerns while powering out new code.
- It makes code **easier to read**, because there are no longer distracting
minor stylistic differences between different code bases. As such, your
brain can map more efficiently from source to mental model.
- It makes code **easier to maintain**, because you can no longer have diffs
related only to formatting; every diff necessarily involves a material
- It **saves your team time** debating how to format things, because there is
a standard tool that formats everything the same way.
- It **saves you time** because you don't have to nitpick over formatting
details of your code.
[elixir]: https://elixir-lang.org/
[elm-format]: https://github.com/avh4/elm-format
[style-guide]: https://github.com/lexmag/elixir-style-guide
## Contents
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Editor Integration](#editor-integration)
- [Atom](#atom)
- [Vim](#vim)
- [VS Code](#visual-studio-code)
- [Development](#development)
## Usage
# Preview the exfmt formatting of an Elixir source file
mix exfmt path/to/file.ex
## Editor integration
### Atom
Atom users can install Ron Green's [exfmt-atom][exfmt-atom] package.
[exfmt-atom]: https://atom.io/packages/exfmt-atom
### Vim
Vim users can use exfmt with Steve Dignam's [Neoformat][neoformat].
[neoformat]: https://github.com/sbdchd/neoformat
Once installed the following config will enable formatting of the current
Elixir buffer using `:Neoformat`. For further instructions, please reference
the Neoformat documentation.
let g:neoformat_elixir_exfmt = {
\ 'exe': 'mix',
\ 'args': ['exfmt', '--stdin'],
\ 'stdin': 1
\ }
let g:neoformat_enabled_elixir = ['exfmt']
### Visual Studio Code
VSCode users can use exfmt with James Hrisho's [vscode-exfmt][vscode-exfmt] package.
[vscode-exfmt]: https://github.com/securingsincity/vscode-exfmt