
defmodule EXGBoost do
  @moduledoc """
  Elixir bindings for the XGBoost library. `EXGBoost` provides an implementation of XGBoost that works with
  [Nx]( tensors.

  Xtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) is an optimized distributed gradient
  boosting library designed to be highly efficient, flexible and portable.
  It implements machine learning algorithms under the [Gradient Boosting](
  framework. XGBoost provides a parallel tree boosting (also known as GBDT, GBM)
  that solve many data science problems in a fast and accurate way. The same code
  runs on major distributed environment (Hadoop, SGE, MPI) and can solve problems beyond
  billions of examples.

  ## Installation

  def deps do
    {:exgboost, "~> 0.2.1"}

  ## API Data Structures

  EXGBoost's top-level `EXGBoost` API works directly and only with `Nx` tensors. However, under the hood,
  it leverages the structs defined in the `EXGBoost.Booster` and `EXGBoost.DMatrix` modules. These structs
  are wrappers around the structs defined in the XGBoost library.
  The two main structs used are [DMatrix](
  to represent the data matrix that will be used
  to train the model, and [Booster](
  which represents the model.

  The top-level `EXGBoost` API does not expose the structs directly. Instead, the
  structs are exposed through the `EXGBoost.Booster` and `EXGBoost.DMatrix` modules. Power users
  might wish to use these modules directly. For example, if you wish to use the `Booster` struct
  directly then you can use the `EXGBoost.Booster.booster/2` function to create a `Booster` struct
  from a `DMatrix` and a keyword list of options. See the `EXGBoost.Booster` and `EXGBoost.DMatrix`
  modules source for more implementation details.

  ## Basic Usage

  key = Nx.Random.key(42)
  {X, _} = Nx.Random.normal(key, 0, 1, shape: {10, 5})
  {y, _} = Nx.Random.normal(key, 0, 1, shape: {10})
  model = EXGBoost.train(X,y)
  EXGBoost.predict(model, X)

  ## Training

  EXGBoost is designed to feel familiar to the users of the Python XGBoost library. `EXGBoost.train/2` is the
  primary entry point for training a model. It accepts a Nx tensor for the features and a Nx tensor for the labels.
  `EXGBoost.train/2` returns a trained`Booster` struct that can be used for prediction. `EXGBoost.train/2` also
  accepts a keyword list of options that can be used to configure the training process. See the
  [XGBoost documentation]( for the full list of options.

  `EXGBoost.train/2` uses the `EXGBoost.Training.train/1` function to perform the actual training. `EXGBoost.Training.train/1`
  and can be used directly if you wish to work directly with the `DMatrix` and `Booster` structs.

  One of the main features of `EXGBoost.train/2` is the ability for the end user to provide a custom training function
  that will be used to train the model. This is done by passing a function to the `:obj` option. The function must
  accept a `DMatrix` and a `Booster` and return a `Booster`. The function will be called at each iteration of the
  training process. This allows the user to implement custom training logic. For example, the user could implement
  a custom loss function or a custom metric function. See the [XGBoost documentation](
  for more information on custom loss functions and custom metric functions.

  Another feature of `EXGBoost.train/2` is the ability to provide a validation set for early stopping. This is done
  by passing a list of 3-tuples to the `:evals` option. Each 3-tuple should contain a Nx tensor for the features, a Nx tensor
  for the labels, and a string label for the validation set name. The validation set will be used to calculate the validation
  error at each iteration of the training process. If the validation error does not improve for `:early_stopping_rounds` iterations
  then the training process will stop. See the [XGBoost documentation](
  for a more detailed explanation of early stopping.

  Early stopping is achieved through the use of callbacks. `EXGBoost.train/2` accepts a list of callbacks that will be called
  at each iteration of the training process. The callbacks can be used to implement custom logic. For example, the user could
  implement a callback that will print the validation error at each iteration of the training process or to provide a custom
  setup function for training. See the `EXGBoost.Training.Callback` module for more information on callbacks.

  Please notes that callbacks are called in the order that they are provided. If you provide multiple callbacks that modify
  the same parameter then the last callback will trump the previous callbacks. For example, if you provide a callback that
  sets the `:early_stopping_rounds` parameter to 10 and then provide a callback that sets the `:early_stopping_rounds` parameter
  to 20 then the `:early_stopping_rounds` parameter will be set to 20.

  You are also able to pass parameters to be applied to the Booster model using the `:params` option. These parameters will
  be applied to the Booster model before training begins. This allows you to set parameters that are not available as options
  to `EXGBoost.train/2`. See the [XGBoost documentation]( for a full
  list of parameters.

                obj: &EXGBoost.Training.train/1,
                evals: [{X_test, y_test, "test"}],
                learning_rates: fn i -> i/10 end,
                num_boost_round: 10,
                early_stopping_rounds: 3,
                params: [max_depth: 3, eval_metric: ["rmse","logloss"]])

  ## Prediction

  `EXGBoost.predict/2` is the primary entry point for making predictions with a trained model.
  It accepts a `Booster` struct (which is the output of `EXGBoost.train/2`).
  `EXGBoost.predict/2` returns a Nx tensor containing the predictions.
  `EXGBoost.predict/2` also accepts a keyword list of options that can be used to configure the prediction process.

  preds = EXGBoost.train(X, y) |> EXGBoost.predict(X)
  alias EXGBoost.ArrayInterface
  alias EXGBoost.Booster
  alias EXGBoost.Internal
  alias EXGBoost.DMatrix
  alias EXGBoost.ProxyDMatrix
  alias EXGBoost.Training

  @doc """
  Check the build information of the xgboost library.

  Returns a map containing information about the build.
  @spec xgboost_build_info() :: map()
  def xgboost_build_info,
    do: EXGBoost.NIF.xgboost_build_info() |> Internal.unwrap!() |> Jason.decode!()

  @doc """
  Check the version of the xgboost library.

  Returns a 3-tuple in the form of `{major, minor, patch}`.
  @spec xgboost_version() :: {integer(), integer(), integer()} | {:error, String.t()}
  def xgboost_version, do: EXGBoost.NIF.xgboost_version() |> Internal.unwrap!()

  @doc """
  Set global configuration.

  Global configuration consists of a collection of parameters that can be
  applied in the global scope. See `Global Parameters` in `EXGBosst.Parameters`
  for the full list of parameters supported in the global configuration.

  @spec set_config(map()) :: :ok | {:error, String.t()}
  def set_config(%{} = config) do
    config = EXGBoost.Parameters.validate_global!(config)
    EXGBoost.NIF.set_global_config(Jason.encode!(config)) |> Internal.unwrap!()

  @doc """
  Get current values of the global configuration.

  Global configuration consists of a collection of parameters that can be
  applied in the global scope. See `Global Parameters` in `EXGBosst.Parameters`
  for the full list of parameters supported in the global configuration.
  @spec get_config() :: map()
  def get_config do
    EXGBoost.NIF.get_global_config() |> Internal.unwrap!() |> Jason.decode!()

  @doc """
  Train a new booster model given a data tensor and a label tensor

  ## Options

  * `:obj` - Specify the learning task and the corresponding learning objective. This function must accept two arguments: preds, dtrain. preds is an array of predicted real valued scores. dtrain is the training data set. This function returns gradient and second order gradient.

  * `:num_boost_rounds` - Number of boosting iterations.
  * `:evals` - A list of 3-Tuples `{X, y, label}` to use as a validation set for early-stopping.
  * `:early_stopping_rounds` - Activates early stopping. Target metric needs to increase/decrease (depending on metric) at least every `early_stopping_rounds` round(s) to continue training. Requires at least one item in `:evals`.
      If there's more than one, will use the last eval set. If there’s more than one metric in the `eval_metric` parameter given in the booster's params, the last metric will be used for early stopping.
      If early stopping occurs, the model will have two additional fields:
     `bst.best_score`, `bst.best_iteration`.  If these values are `nil` then no early stopping occurred.
  * `:verbose_eval` - Requires at least one item in `evals`. If `verbose_eval` is true then the evaluation metric on the validation set is printed at each boosting stage. If verbose_eval is an
      integer then the evaluation metric on the validation set is printed at every given `verbose_eval` boosting stage. The last boosting stage / the boosting stage found by using `early_stopping_rounds`
      is also printed. Example: with `verbose_eval=4` and at least one item in evals, an evaluation metric is printed every 4 boosting stages, instead of every boosting stage.
  * `:learning_rates` - Either an arity 1 function that accept an integer parameter epoch and returns the corresponding learning rate or a list with the same length as num_boost_rounds.
  * `:callbacks` - List of EXGBoost.Training.Callback that are called during a given event. It is possible to use predefined callbacks by using `EXGBoost.Callback` module.
      Callbacks should be in the form of a keyword list where the only valid keys are `:before_training`, `:after_training`, `:before_iteration`, and `:after_iteration`.
      The value of each key should be a list of functions that accepts a booster and an iteration and returns a booster. The function will be called at the appropriate time with the booster and the iteration
      as the arguments. The function should return the booster. If the function returns a booster with a different memory address, the original booster will be replaced with the new booster.
      If the function returns the original booster, the original booster will be used. If the function returns a booster with the same memory address but different contents, the behavior is undefined.
  * `opts` - Refer to `EXGBoost.Parameters` for the full list of options.
  @spec train(Nx.Tensor.t(), Nx.Tensor.t(), Keyword.t()) :: EXGBoost.Booster.t()
  def train(%Nx.Tensor{} = x, %Nx.Tensor{} = y, opts \\ []) do
    {dmat_opts, opts} = Keyword.split(opts, Internal.dmatrix_feature_opts())
    dmat = EXGBoost.DMatrix.from_tensor(x, y, [format: :dense] ++ dmat_opts)
    Training.train(dmat, opts)

  @doc """
  Predict with a booster model against a tensor

  The full model will be used unless `iteration_range` is specified,
  meaning user have to either slice the model or use the `best_iteration`
  attribute to get prediction from best model returned from early stopping.

  ## Options

  * `:output_margin` - Whether to output the raw untransformed margin value.

  * `:pred_leaf ` - When this option is on, the output will be a matrix of (nsample,
      ntrees) with each record indicating the predicted leaf index of
      each sample in each tree.  Note that the leaf index of a tree is
      unique per tree, so you may find leaf 1 in both tree 1 and tree 0.

  * `:pred_contribs` - When this is `true` the output will be a matrix of size (nsample,
      nfeats + 1) with each record indicating the feature contributions
      (SHAP values) for that prediction. The sum of all feature
      contributions is equal to the raw untransformed margin value of the
      prediction. Note the final column is the bias term.

  * `:approx_contribs` - Approximate the contributions of each feature.  Used when `pred_contribs` or
      `pred_interactions` is set to `true`.  Changing the default of this parameter
      (False) is not recommended.

  * `:pred_interactions` - When this is `true` the output will be a matrix of size (nsample,
      nfeats + 1, nfeats + 1) indicating the SHAP interaction values for
      each pair of features. The sum of each row (or column) of the
      interaction values equals the corresponding SHAP value (from
      pred_contribs), and the sum of the entire matrix equals the raw
      untransformed margin value of the prediction. Note the last row and
      column correspond to the bias term.

  * `:validate_features` - When this is `true`, validate that the Booster's and data's
      feature_names are identical.  Otherwise, it is assumed that the
      feature_names are the same.

  * `:training` - Whether the prediction value is used for training.  This can effect `dart`
      booster, which performs dropouts during training iterations but use all trees
      for inference. If you want to obtain result with dropouts, set this parameter
      to `true`.  Also, the parameter is set to `true` when obtaining prediction for
      custom objective function.

  * `:iteration_range` - Specifies which layer of trees are used in prediction.  For example, if a
      random forest is trained with 100 rounds.  Specifying `iteration_range=(10,
      20)`, then only the forests built during [10, 20) (half open set) rounds are
      used in this prediction.

  * `:strict_shape` - When set to `true`, output shape is invariant to whether classification is used.
      For both value and margin prediction, the output shape is (n_samples,
      n_groups), n_groups == 1 when multi-class is not used.  Default to False, in
      which case the output shape can be (n_samples, ) if multi-class is not used.

  Returns an Nx.Tensor containing the predictions.
  def predict(%Booster{} = bst, %Nx.Tensor{} = x, opts \\ []) do
    {dmat_opts, opts} = Keyword.split(opts, Internal.dmatrix_feature_opts())
    dmat = EXGBoost.DMatrix.from_tensor(x, [format: :dense] ++ dmat_opts)
    Booster.predict(bst, dmat, opts)

  @doc """
  Run prediction in-place, Unlike `EXGBoost.predict/2`, inplace prediction does not cache the prediction result.

  ## Options

  * `:base_margin` -  Base margin used for boosting from existing model.

  * `:missing` - Value used for missing values. If None, defaults to `Nx.Constant.nan()`.

  * `:predict_type` -
    * `value`  - Output model prediction values.
    * `margin`  - Output the raw untransformed margin value.

  * `:output_margin` - Whether to output the raw untransformed margin value.

  * `:validate_features` - See `EXGBoost.predict/2` for details.

  * `:iteration_range` - See `EXGBoost.predict/2` for details.

  * `:strict_shape` - See `EXGBoost.predict/2` for details.

  Returns an Nx.Tensor containing the predictions.
  def inplace_predict(%Booster{} = boostr, data, opts \\ []) do
    opts =
        iteration_range: {0, 0},
        predict_type: "value",
        missing: Nx.Constants.nan(),
        validate_features: true,
        base_margin: nil,
        strict_shape: false

    base_margin = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :base_margin)
    {iteration_range_left, iteration_range_right} = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :iteration_range)

    params = %{
      type: if(Keyword.fetch!(opts, :predict_type) == "margin", do: 1, else: 0),
      training: false,
      iteration_begin: iteration_range_left,
      iteration_end: iteration_range_right,
      missing: Keyword.fetch!(opts, :missing),
      strict_shape: Keyword.fetch!(opts, :strict_shape),
      cache_id: 0

    proxy =
      if not is_nil(base_margin) do
        prox = ProxyDMatrix.proxy_dmatrix()
        prox = DMatrix.set_params(prox, base_margin: base_margin)

    if Keyword.fetch!(opts, :validate_features) do
      case Nx.shape(data) do
        {_rows} ->

        {_rows, cols} ->
          if cols != Booster.get_num_features(boostr),
                "Feature shape mismatch, expected: #{Booster.get_num_features(boostr)}, got #{cols}"

        _ ->
          raise ArgumentError, "Data must be a 1D or 2D tensor"

    case data do
      %Nx.Tensor{} ->
        data_interface = ArrayInterface.array_interface(data) |> Jason.encode!()

        {shape, preds} =
          |> Internal.unwrap!()

        Nx.tensor(preds) |> Nx.reshape(shape)

      {%Nx.Tensor{} = indptr, %Nx.Tensor{} = indices, %Nx.Tensor{} = values, ncol} ->
        indptr_interface = ArrayInterface.array_interface(indptr) |> Jason.encode!()
        indices_interface = ArrayInterface.array_interface(indices) |> Jason.encode!()
        values_interface = ArrayInterface.array_interface(values) |> Jason.encode!()

        {shape, preds} =
          |> Internal.unwrap!()

        Nx.tensor(preds) |> Nx.reshape(shape)