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Use [HAL]( APIs with ease.



iex> doc = ExHal.parse(~s|
...> { "name": "Hello!",
...>    "_links": {
...>      "self"   : { "href": "" },
...>      "profile": [{ "href": "" },
...>                  { "href": "" }]
...>   }
...> }
...> |)
%ExHal.Document{links: %{"profile" => [%ExHal.Link{name: nil, rel: "profile", target: nil,
              target_url: "", templated: false},
             %ExHal.Link{name: nil, rel: "profile", target: nil, target_url: "",
              templated: false}],
            "self" => [%ExHal.Link{name: nil, rel: "self", target: nil, target_url: "",
              templated: false}]}, properties: %{"name" => "Hello!"}}
iex> ExHal.url(doc)
{:ok, ""}
iex> ExHal.fetch(doc, "name")
{:ok, "Hello!"}
iex> ExHal.fetch(doc, "non-existent")
iex> ExHal.fetch(doc, "profile")
 [%ExHal.Link{name: nil, rel: "profile", target: nil,
              target_url: "",
              templated: false},
  %ExHal.Link{name: nil, rel: "profile", target: nil,
              target_url: "",
              templated: false}]}
iex> ExHal.get_links_lazy(doc, "profile", fn -> [] end)
[%ExHal.Link{name: nil, rel: "profile", target: nil,
             target_url: "",
             templated: false},
 %ExHal.Link{name: nil, rel: "profile", target: nil,
             target_url: "",
             templated: false}]
iex> ExHal.get_links_lazy(doc, "alternate", fn -> [] end)


ExHal can also make requests. Continuing the example above:

ExHal.follow_link(doc, "profile")
{:error, %ExHal.Error{reason: "multiple choices"}}

ExHal.follow_link(doc, "nonexistent")
{:error, %ExHal.Error{reason: "no such link"}}

{:ok, %ExHal.Document{...}}

ExHal.follow_link(doc, "profile", pick_volunteer: true)
{:ok, %ExHal.Document{...}}

ExHal.follow_links(doc, "profile")
[{:ok, %ExHal.Document{...}}, {:ok, %ExHal.Document{...}]



Add the following to your project `:deps` list:

{:exhal, "~>1.0"}