# ExHmac [](https://hex.pm/packages/exhmac) [](https://hexdocs.pm/exhmac/)
HMAC Authentication
## Installation
Add ExHmac to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:exhmac, "~> 1.1.1"}]
run `mix deps.get`.
## Example
This Example Project is the basis for ExHmac, help you use well.
Download via [Gitee](https://gitee.com/lizhaochao/exhmac_example) or [Github](https://github.com/lizhaochao/exhmac_example).
Once downloaded, Two Things Todo:
mix deps.get
mix test
# confirm gc configs which are expected, run following commands.
# use test.exs to run
MIX_ENV=test iex -S mix
# use dev.exs to run
iex -S mix
## Usage
### Quick Start
Here’s a commented example.
# Use ExHmac like this in Your Project.
iex> defmodule YourProject do
...> # inject hmac functions to current scope via use ExHmac.
...> use ExHmac, precision: :millisecond
...> @access_key "exhmac_key"
...> @secret_key "exhmac_secret"
...> # use gen_timestamp/0, gen_nonce/0 to make params.
...> def make_params(name) do
...> [name: name, timestamp: gen_timestamp(), nonce: gen_nonce()]
...> end
...> # make signature with access_key & secret_key using sign/3.
...> def make_signature(params) do
...> sign(params, @access_key, @secret_key)
...> end
...> # use sign/3 & check_hmac/3 to make resp with hmac
...> def start_request(name) do
...> # simulate request, prepare params
...> params = make_params(name)
...> signature = make_signature(params)
...> _req_params = [signature: signature] ++ params
...> # simulate response data
...> resp_params = [result: 0, timestamp: gen_timestamp(), nonce: gen_nonce()]
...> signature = sign(resp_params, @access_key, @secret_key)
...> resp_params = [signature: signature] ++ resp_params
...> check_hmac(resp_params, @access_key, @secret_key)
...> end
...> end
iex> # start request & get check response result
...> YourProject.start_request("ljy")
### Check via decorator (Recommended)
`Doc is cheap`, ` Show you the Code.` [Download Example](#example).
### Check via defhmac macro (Recommended)
`Doc is cheap`, ` Show you the Code.` [Download Example](#example)
## Customize Hmac
### Support Hash Algs
- `:sha` & `:hmac_sha`
- `:sha512` & `:hmac_sha512`
- `:sha384` & `:hmac_sha384`
- `:sha256` & `:hmac_sha256`
- `:sha224` & `:hmac_sha224`
- `:sha3_512` & `:hmac_sha3_512`
- `:sha3_384` & `:hmac_sha3_384`
- `:sha3_256` & `:hmac_sha3_256`
- `:sha3_224` & `:hmac_sha3_224`
- `:blake2b` & `:hmac_blake2b`
- `:blake2s` & `:hmac_blake2s`
- `:md5` & `:hmac_md5`
# :sha256
:crypto.hash(:sha256, "sign string")
# :hmac_sha256
:crypto.mac(:hmac, :sha256, "secret_key", "sign string")
### Hooks
- `pre_hook/1`, before check hmac, give you origin args with keyword.
- `post_hook/1`, after check hmac, this output is final.
These hokks only effect decorator & defhmac.
### Callbacks
- `get_access_key/1`, get/evaluate access key from input args.
- `get_secret_key/1`, required, you must provide secret.
- `check_nonce/4`, If you want to use Redis getset command to check nonce, then implements it.
- `make_sign_string/3`, change sign string rule.
- `encode_hash_result/1`, defaults to encode hex string.
- `fmt_resp/1`, format resp to your own format, like: `%{result: 0, error_msg: "some error"}`.
- `gc_log_callback/1`, defaults to in-memory cache with gc, collect count up to max will invoke it.
more detail, please [Download Example](#example).
### Available Configs
as ExHmac opts
use ExHmac,
# once in-memory cache crash, will lose 2 following configs.
# you should set them again in config.exs.
precision: :millisecond,
nonce_freezing_secs: 60,
# normal configs
hash_alg: :hmac_sha512,
warn: false,
nonce_len: 20,
timestamp_offset_secs: 900
the following configs in config.exs
# set them again for exactly gc running.
config :exhmac, :precision, :millisecond
config :exhmac, :nonce_freezing_secs, 60
# normal configs
config :exhmac, :disable_noncer, false # disable local in-memory cache
config :exhmac, :gc_interval_milli, 20_000
config :exhmac, :gc_warn_count, 10
config :exhmac, :gc_log_callback, &MyHmac.gc_log/1
`NOTICE`: `precision` & `nonce_freezing_secs` set 2 places, once you don't want to use default values.
## Benchmark
mix bench
## ExHmacBench
benchmark name iterations average time
get_access_key/2 10000000 0.20 µs/op
make_arg_names/1 1000000 1.46 µs/op
sign/4 100000 16.49 µs/op
## Contributing
Contributions to ExHmac are very welcome!
Bug reports, documentation, spelling corrections... all of those (and probably more) are much appreciated contributions!