# ExI18n

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**ExI18n** is key-based internationalization library for Elixir.

## Installation

Add `exi18n` to your list of dependencies and to `applications` in `mix.exs`:

# mix.exs

def deps do
    {:exi18n, "~> 0.6.0"},

def application do
  [applications: [:exi18n]]

## Configuration

Add configuration to your `config/config.exs`:

# config.exs

config :exi18n,
  default_locale: "en",
  locales: ~w(en),
  fallback: false,
  loader: :yml,
  loader_options: %{path: "priv/locales"}
  var_prefix: "%{",
  var_suffix: "}",

### Configuration parameters

| Option | Description | Default |
| :-- | :-- | :--: |
| default_locale | Default locale in your application. | `"en"` |
| locales | Supported locales. | `["en"]` |
| fallback | Fallback to default locale if translation empty. | `false` |
| loader | Translation loader. Supported types: `:yml`, `:http`, `MyApp.Loader`. | `:yml` |
| loader_options | Translation loader options. | `%{}` |
| var_prefix | Prefix for values in translations. | `"%{"` |
| var_suffix | Suffix for values in translations. | `"}"` |

### Loaders

#### YAML

This loader will use yaml files from `path` to load translations.

##### Module


##### Dependencies

# mix.exs

def deps do
    {:exi18n, "~> 0.6.0"},
    {:yaml_elixir, "~> 1.3.0"},

def application do
  [applications: [

##### Configuration

| Option | Required | Description |
| :-- | :--: | :-- |
| path | **Yes** | Path to locale files. |

# config.exs

config :exi18n,
  loader: :yml,
  loader_options: %{
    path: "priv/locales"

#### HTTP

This loader will call API to fetch translations.

##### Module


##### Dependencies

# mix.exs

def deps do
    {:exi18n, "~> 0.6.0"},
    {:tesla, "~> 0.6.0"},
    {:poison, ">= 1.0.0"}, # for JSON middleware

def application do
  [applications: [

##### Configuration

| Option | Required | Description |
| :-- | :--: | :-- |
| url | **Yes** | Translations API endpoint. |
| adapter | No | Adapter for Tesla. Default: `:httpc`. [Tesla Adapters]( |
| adapter_options | No | Options for adapter. |
| headers | No | Headers passed with request to API. |
| middlewares | No | List of middlewares you want to use. [Tesla middlewares]( |
| root | No | Root key in response that contians translations. |

# config.exs

config :exi18n,
  loader: :http,
  loader_options: %{
    url: "",
    adapter: Tesla.Adapter.Httpc,
    adapter_options: nil,
    headers: %{"Authorization" => "Bearer <token>"},
    middlewares: [
      {Tesla.Middleware.JSON, nil},
      {MyApp.Middleware, %{option: "option"}},
    root: false

#### Custom

##### Module


Make sure that your custom loader has `load/2` function that accepts `locale` and `options` as parameters and returns `Map` with translations.


defmodule MyApp.Loader do
  def load(locale, _options) do
      "en" => %{...},
      "de" => %{...}

##### Dependencies

# mix.exs

def deps do
    {:exi18n, "~> 0.6.0"},

def application do
  [applications: [

##### Configuration

# config.exs

config :exi18n,
  loader: MyApp.Loader,
  loader_options: %{my_config: "value"}

## Documentation
