# Exiffer

Conveniences for image manipulation.

# Status

This is alpha phase software, use at your peril!

Currently, only handles JPEGs.

# Build

Create a (reasonably) portable Linux build:

podman build --file docker/bakeware-linux-build.Dockerfile --tag exiffer:latest .
podman run -v `pwd`:/app/_build/prod/rel/bakeware -e MIX_ENV=prod -ti exiffer:latest mix release

The `exiffer` executable will be built in the project root.

# Debugging

Set logging level

Logger.configure(level: :debug)

Do a rewrite without changing anything

Exiffer.Rewrite.rewrite(path, out, & &1)

Use `exiftool -htmlDump FILE > FILE.html` to produce an HTML file
with indications of the binary layout.