# Existence
Asynchronous dependency health checks library.
## Features
* User defined dependencies checks with flexible settings.
* Dependencies checks functions are executed asynchronously.
* Built-in `Plug` module providing customizable response for a http health-check endpoint.
* Support for multiple independent `Existence` instances and associated health-checks
endpoints (example use case: separate Kubernetes readiness and liveness http probes).
* Checks states are stored and accessed using a dedicated ETS tables per `Existence` instance,
which means practically unlimited requests per second processing capacity.
## Installation
Add `Existence` library to your application dependencies:
def deps do
{:existence, github: "recruitee/existence", branch: "master"}
## Usage
Define dependencies checks functions MFA's and start `Existence` child with your application
defmodule MyApp.Application do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
health_checks = [
check_1: %{mfa: {MyApp.Checks, :check_1, []}},
check_2: %{mfa: {MyApp.Checks, :check_2, []}}
children = [{Existence, checks: health_checks}]
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
Declare your dependencies checks functions:
defmodule MyApp.Checks do
def check_1(), do: :ok
def check_2(), do: :ok
Configure your Phoenix router to respond to the `/healthcheck` endpoint requests using for example
defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
use MyAppWeb, :router
forward("/healthcheck", Existence.Plug)
Get current overall health-check state:
iex> Existence.get_state()
List individual dependencies checks current states:
iex> Existence.get_checks()
[check_1: :ok, check_2: :ok]
- [ ] add `telemetry` event emitted on an overall health-check state change.