# ExKonsument
A library for RabbitMQ producers and consumers.
## Installation
Just put it in your `mix.exs` and `mix deps.get`.
def deps do
[{:exkonsument, "~> 3.2"}]
If you have trouble compiling your app make sure to override the lager and
ranch_proxy_protocol dependencies in your application's mix.exs file:
def deps do
{:exkonsument, "~> 3.2"},
{:lager, "~> 3.6.7", override: true},
{:ranch_proxy_protocol, "~> 2.0", override: true}
## Usage
### RabbitMQ connection
To open a connection to RabbitMQ, start an `ExKonsument.Connection` process. You
can put this in your supervisor. The connection settings can be configured in
your config files like this:
config :exkonsument,
If you don't configure `ExKonsument`, it uses `amqp://localhost:5672` as the
default. The connection must be passed to producers/consumers later.
#### Connection sharing
You can share a connection between multiple consumers or producers, but never
share a connection between producers and consumers. Due to the producers being
async, this could lead to weird behaviour in case of errors.
### Consumer
Basically you just have to call `ExKonsument.Consumer.start_link` and supply an
`%ExKonsument.Consumer{}` struct. It is recommended to wrap all necessary
information in a dedicated module like this:
defmodule YourConsumer do
@queue %ExKonsument.Queue{name: "yourapp.queue",
options: [durable: true]}
@exchange %ExKonsument.Exchange{name: "yourexchange",
type: topic,
options: [durable: true]}
@routing_keys ["your.routing.key"]
def start_link(opts) do
ExKonsument.Consumer.start_link(consumer_config(), opts)
defp process_message(payload, _opts, state) do
# ... do stuff
# :ok will ack the message
# :requeue will requeue the message
# any other return value rejects it, only requeueing it if it wasn't
# redelivered already
defp consumer_config do
queue: @queue,
exchange: @exchange,
routing_keys: @routing_keys,
handling_fn: &process_message/3,
connection: YourApp.Connection,
state: %{}
### Producer
This is similar to the consumer, just that you call
`ExKonsument.Producer.start_link` instead. Below is an example:
defmodule YourProducer do
@exchange %ExKonsument.Exchange{name: "yourexchange",
type: topic,
options: [durable: true]}
def start_link(opts) do
ExKonsument.Producer.start_link(producer_config(), opts)
def publish_message(pid) do
ExKonsument.Producer.publish(pid, "routing.key", %{payload: "as map"})
defp producer_config do
exchange: @exchange,
connection: YourApp.Connection