# ExlasticSearch
An elasticsearch dsls for mapping ecto models to elasticsearch mappings, along with elixir
friendly query wrappers, response formatting and the like.
## Installation
def deps do
{:exlasticsearch, "~> 1.3.3"}
Docs are available on [hex](https://hexdocs.pm/exlasticsearch/0.2.2)
## Usage
You can pair an ExlasticSearch.Model with an existing schema like:
defmodule MySchema do
use ExlasticSearch.Model
indexes :my_index do
settings Application.get_env(:some, :settings)
mapping :field
mapping :other_field, type: :keyword # ecto derived defaults can be overridden
You can then construct queries like so:
|> must(math(field, value))
|> should(match_phrash(field, value, opts))
|> filter(term(filter_field, value))
A repo model like ecto is provided, so a with ability to do most restful operations on records, in
addition to calling search apis with the query structs above.
If additional data needs to be fetched or formatted prior to insertion into elastic, the `ExlasticSearch.Indexable`
protocol can be implemented to do that for you. A default implementation can also be generated as part of using
the `ExlasticSearch.Model` macro.
## Configuration
This library requires `elastix` (an elixir elasticsearch http client). So refer to it for any http related configuration. In addition, there are the following config options:
config :exlasticsearch, :type_inference, ExlasticSearch.TypeInference
config :exlasticsearch, :monitoring, ExlasticSearch.Monitoring.Mock
config :exlasticsearch, ExlasticSearch.Repo,
url: "http://localhost:9200"