
# Exmarket

An OTP application that provides real time **stock** & **crypto** data. This project is a _WIP_ under active development.

## Installation

Package is [available in Hex](, and can be installed
by adding `exmarket` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:exmarket, "~> 0.2.0"}

The docs can be found at [](

## Getting Started

After adding `{:exmarket, "~> 0.2.0"}` to your list of dependencies, access the API either by creating a unique alias or referring to `Exmarket` directly. For example:

defmodule MyApp do
  alias Exmarket, as: Market

  def get_price(ticker) do


Calling `MyApp.get_price("aapl")` returns `"204.53"`.

Calling `MyApp.get_price("tsla")` returns `"258.66"`.

Previously retrieved stock prices are stored in GenServer state so calling MyApp.get_state() at this point would return `%{"aapl" => 204.53, "tsla" => 258.66}`.

The current state can be cleared by calling `MyApp.reset_state()`, which returns `:ok`.

## Getting prices for multiple stocks

Exmarket now supports batch quotes! Simply pass a list of strings for the stock prices you want. For example, `Exmarket.batch_quote(["aapl", "tsla", "fb", "msft"])` returns

  "aapl" => 207.16,
  "fb" => 182.58,
  "msft" => 125.01,
  "tsla" => 258.66


If experience any bugs please file an [issue]( so that I may address the concern. Or, if you would like to contribute please feel free to submit a pull request.