# Extended match
This library is meant to provide an ergonomic way to pattern match
and bind data in complex types such as maps and structs during testing.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `exmatch` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
defp deps do
{:exmatch, "~> 0.17.0", only: [:dev, :test]}
<!-- EXAMPLES -->
## Usage
The library depends on ExUnit.AssertionError and therefore is meant
to be used only in testing.
> #### Notice {: .neutral}
> The examples below display ExMatchTest.AssertionError as they are used as doctests.
> When used in your tests the ExUnit.AssertionError would be used instead.
> Using plain IEx environment will use basic struct formatter different
> from ExUnit.CLIFormatter.
iex> ExMatch.match(%{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, %{c: 3, a: 2, b: {1, 0}})
** (ExMatchTest.AssertionError)
left: %{a: 1, b: 2}
right: %{a: 2, b: {1, 0}}
iex> opts = ExMatch.options([{Decimal, [:match_integer]}])
iex> ExMatch.match([10, eleven, _], [Decimal.new("10"), 11, 12], opts)
iex> eleven == 11
iex> eleven = 11
iex> ExMatch.match(%Decimal{coef: ^eleven, exp: 1 - 1, sign: 1}, Decimal.add(1, eleven))
** (ExMatchTest.AssertionError)
left: %Decimal{coef: ^eleven = 11}
right: %Decimal{coef: 12}
iex> ExMatch.match(%ExMatchTest.Dummy{
...> a: %ExMatchTest.Dummy1{a: 1},
...> b: ~U[2022-02-19 05:10:08.387165Z]
...> }, %ExMatchTest.Dummy{
...> a: %ExMatchTest.Dummy{a: 1},
...> b: Timex.parse!("2022-02-19 14:55:08.387165+09:45", "{ISO:Extended}")
...> })
** (ExMatchTest.AssertionError)
left: %ExMatchTest.Dummy{a: %ExMatchTest.Dummy1{}}
right: %ExMatchTest.Dummy{a: %ExMatchTest.Dummy{}}
iex> url = URI.parse("https://elixir-lang.org/")
iex> ExMatch.match(%URI{url | path: path}, URI.parse("https://elixir-lang.org/cases.html"))
iex> path == "/cases.html"
iex> url = URI.parse("https://elixir-lang.org/")
iex> ExMatch.match(%URI{url | scheme: "http"}, URI.parse("http://localhost:3000"))
** (ExMatchTest.AssertionError)
left: url = %URI{authority: "elixir-lang.org", host: "elixir-lang.org", path: "/", port: 443}
right: %URI{authority: "localhost:3000", host: "localhost", path: nil, port: 3000}
<!-- EXAMPLES -->