# Exmbus

[![Elixir CI](](

Elixir M-Bus & Wireless M-Bus (wM-bus) parser library.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `exmbus` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:exmbus, "~> 0.2.0"}

## Features

- M-bus
- wM-bus
- TPL Encryption modes: 0, 5
- (partly) supports ELL (supports encryption modes: 0 (none), 1 (aes_128_ctr)
- Compact Frames and Format Frames
- Compact Profiles
- VIF extension tables 0xFD and 0xFB (with a few exceptions)

### Planned

- [ ] Transition the parser fully to handler + context based, and avoid raising on error but instead attach an error to the context. The APL layer in particular needs a lot of work here.
- [ ] Better API for encryption key storage.
- [ ] DLL CRC support.
- [ ] Split parsing and decoding into two steps. Currently the code parses the binary and decodes it in the same walk, but this causes errors when we can't decode an unsupported feature.

### Not Planned

- [ ] Authentication and Fragmentation layer CI=90

## Examples

### Parse wM-Bus

This is an example from the OMS Vol2 Annex N - N.2.1. wM-Bus Meter with Security profile A

`Exmbus.parse!` will return an `Exmbus.Parser.Context` struct as the result.

iex> "2E4493157856341233037A2A0020255923C95AAA26D1B2E7493B013EC4A6F6D3529B520EDFF0EA6DEFC99D6D69EBF3"
...> |> Base.decode16!()
...> |> Exmbus.parse!(key: Base.decode16!("0102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F11"))
  bin: "",
  opts: %{
    length: false,
    key: <<1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17>>,
    crc: false
  handlers: [],
  handler: &Exmbus.Parser.Apl.FullFrame.maybe_expand_compact_profiles/1,
  dll: %Exmbus.Parser.Dll.Wmbus{
    control: :snd_nr,
    manufacturer: "ELS",
    identification_no: 12345678,
    version: 51,
    device: :gas
  ell: %Exmbus.Parser.Ell.None{},
  tpl: %Exmbus.Parser.Tpl{
    frame_type: :full_frame,
    header: %Exmbus.Parser.Tpl.Header.Short{
      access_no: 42,
      status: %Exmbus.Parser.Tpl.Status{
        manufacturer_status: 0,
        temporary_error: false,
        permanent_error: false,
        low_power: false,
        application_status: :no_error
      configuration_field: %Exmbus.Parser.Tpl.ConfigurationField{
        hop_count: 0,
        repeater_access: 0,
        content_of_message: 0,
        mode: 5,
        syncrony: true,
        accessibility: false,
        bidirectional: false,
        blocks: 2
  apl: %Exmbus.Parser.Apl.FullFrame{
    records: [
        header: %Exmbus.Parser.Apl.DataRecord.Header{
          dib_bytes: "\f",
          vib_bytes: <<20>>,
          dib: %Exmbus.Parser.Apl.DataRecord.DataInformationBlock{
            device: 0,
            tariff: 0,
            storage: 0,
            function_field: :instantaneous,
            data_type: :bcd,
            size: 32
          vib: %Exmbus.Parser.Apl.DataRecord.ValueInformationBlock{
            description: :volume,
            multiplier: 0.01,
            unit: "m^3",
            extensions: [],
            coding: nil,
            table: :main
          coding: :type_a
        data: 2850427
        header: %Exmbus.Parser.Apl.DataRecord.Header{
          dib_bytes: <<4>>,
          vib_bytes: "m",
          dib: %Exmbus.Parser.Apl.DataRecord.DataInformationBlock{
            device: 0,
            tariff: 0,
            storage: 0,
            function_field: :instantaneous,
            data_type: :int_or_bin,
            size: 32
          vib: %Exmbus.Parser.Apl.DataRecord.ValueInformationBlock{
            description: :naive_datetime,
            multiplier: nil,
            unit: nil,
            extensions: [],
            coding: :type_f,
            table: :main
          coding: :type_f
        data: ~N[2008-05-31 23:50:00]
        header: %Exmbus.Parser.Apl.DataRecord.Header{
          dib_bytes: <<2>>,
          vib_bytes: <<253, 23>>,
          dib: %Exmbus.Parser.Apl.DataRecord.DataInformationBlock{
            device: 0,
            tariff: 0,
            storage: 0,
            function_field: :instantaneous,
            data_type: :int_or_bin,
            size: 16
          vib: %Exmbus.Parser.Apl.DataRecord.ValueInformationBlock{
            description: :error_flags,
            multiplier: nil,
            unit: nil,
            extensions: [],
            coding: :type_d,
            table: :fd
          coding: :type_d
        data: [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
         false, false, false, false, false, false, false]
    manufacturer_bytes: ""
  dib: nil,
  vib: nil,
  errors: [],
  warnings: []

## Testing

`mix test`

## Benchmarks

Using Benchee, located in `benchmarks/`. Run with

mix run benchmarks/<name>.exs

## Profiling

Some profiling scripts are available under `profiling/`.

You can run then with e.g. eprof:

 mix profile.eprof profiling/oms_vol2_annex_n.exs


- Implement examples from documentation as tests.
- Implement Authentication and fragmentation layer CI=90
- DLL CRC support. Currently CRC is hand-stripped from the specification examples.