exns (beta)
Interact with Python [nanoservices](https://github.com/walkr/nanoservice) from Elixir.
### Usage
* Update your app's `config.exs` with your nanoservices
config :exns, nanoservices: [
[name: :math_service,
address: "ipc:///tmp/math-service.sock",
timeout: 5000,
workers: 10],
[name: :string_service,
address: "ipc:///tmp/string-service.sock",
timeout: 5000,
workers: 10,
encoder: "msgpack"]]
* Make calls to a nanoservice
# Successful request
{:ok, result} = Exns.call(:math_service, "add", [1, 2])
IO.puts "1 + 2 = #{result}"
# Optimistic request
3 == Exns.call!(:math_service, "add", [1, 2])
# A request which erred on the python side
{:error, error} = Exns.call(:math_service, "your_non_existing_method")
### Development
Run tests
$ mix test
... and with coverage
$ mix test --cover
### MIT License