
> Google Play (Android Market) API in Elixir :computer:

(Ported from [`node-google-play`][gp-node])

## Installation

Add `explay` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:explay, ">= 0.0.0"}]

### Install JS Dependency

Right now, there isn't an erlang/elixir implementation of Google's Protobuf library
that can decode v2 data correctly, so we're relying on the npm module `protobufjs`.
In your project's root, run:

npm init
npm install protobufjs --save

or if you prefer [`yarn`][yarn]:

yarn add protobufjs

## Roadmap

 - [ ] Write missing Tests
 - [x] Write Documentation
 - [ ] Update documentation with more information and examples
 - [ ] Implement pure Erlang/Elixir Protobuf v2 solution for decoding data
 - [ ] Cover all API calls
    - [x] Authorization
    - [x] Package Details
    - [ ] Bulk Package Details
    - [ ] Search Apps
    - [ ] Related Apps
    - [ ] Categories
    - [ ] App Reviews
    - [ ] Download App
    - [ ] Download App Data

## Contributing

 - [Fork][github-fork], Enhance, Send PR
 - Lock issues with any bugs or feature requests
 - Implement something from Roadmap
 - Spread the word

## License

This package is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License][license].

