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Use to send push notifications to Exponent Experiences from an Elixir/Phoenix server.

## Installation

ExponentServerSdk is currently beta software. You can install it from Hex:

def deps do
  [{:exponent_server_sdk, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Or from Github:

def deps do
  [{:exponent_server_sdk, github: "rdrop/exponent-server-sdk-elixir"}]

and run `mix deps.get`. Now, list the `:exponent_server_sdk` application as your application dependency:

def application do
  [applications: [:exponent_server_sdk]]

## Usage

### Client

The push notification is the preferred way.  This hits the latest version of the api.

####Single Message:


# Create a single message map
message = %{
    title: "Pushed!",
    body: "You got your first message"

# Send it to Expo
{:ok, response} = ExponentServerSdk.Notification.push(message)

# Example Response
{:ok, %{"status" => "ok", "id" => "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX"}}

#### Multiple Messages:

# Create a list of message maps (auto chunks into lists of 100)
message_list = [
    title: "Pushed!",
    body: "You got your first message"
    title: "Pushed Again!",
    body: "You got your second message"

# Send it to Expo
{:ok, response} = ExponentServerSdk.Notification.push_list(messages)

# Example Response
{:ok,[ %{"status" => "ok", "id" => "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX"}, %{"status" => "ok", "id" => "YYYYYYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYYYYYYYYYY"} ]}

The complete format of the messages can be found [here.](

## Contributing

See the []( file for contribution guidelines.

## License
ExponentServerSdk is licensed under the MIT license. For more details, see the `LICENSE`
file at the root of the repository. It depends on Elixir, which is under the
Apache 2 license.
