
# Expublish

Automated version and changelog management for elixir packages.

mix publish.(major|minor|patch)

The publish task gives following guarantees for every new release:

- Clean git working directory
- Passing tests
- Bumped version in mix.exs
- Decent changelog entry
- Git commit and tag
- Publish to hex

To publish a new package version:

1. Create a `` containing the new changelog entry.
2. Run the publish mix task.
3. Push the created git commit and tag.

$ echo "- changelog entry one\n- changelog entry two" >
$ mix publish.minor
$ git push origin master --tags

## Initial setup

Add `:expublish` in mix.exs dev dependencies:

{:expublish, "~> 1.0.0", only: [:dev]}

Create a `` in the root folder of your project. It must contain a placeholder:

<!-- %% CHANGELOG_ENTRIES %% -->

We dont want to track the release file. Add this line to your `.gitignore`:
