# ExqBatch
ExqBatch provides a building block to create complex workflows using
Exq jobs. A batch monitors a group of Exq jobs and creates callback
job when all the jobs are processed.
## Example
{:ok, batch} = ExqBatch.new(on_complete: [queue: "default", class: CompletionWorker, args: ["complete"]])
{:ok, batch, jid} = ExqBatch.add(batch, queue: "default", class: Worker, args: [1])
{:ok, batch, jid} = ExqBatch.add(batch, queue: "default", class: Worker, args: [2])
{:ok, _batch} = ExqBatch.create(batch)
## Config
config :exq,
middleware: [
`ExqBatch.Middleware` middleware **must** be added before the
`Exq.Middleware.Job` middleware. The middleware is used to track job
life cycle.
config :exq_batch,
ttl_in_seconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
prefix: "exq_batch"
## Caveats
* The completion job will get enqueued only once after all the jobs in
a group is either done or dead. A Resurrected job does not belong to
the batch and will not lead to creation of completion job.
* All the jobs in batch **must** be allowed to be complete (either
dead or done). Deleting any jobs while they are in retry queue will
cause the batch to get stuck and will expire eventually.